itchy mcgoo wrote:You say this, Bradley R. Weissenberger, but you voted for Matching Towels over Nursing Home Knife Fight in the 2005 EAMUBN32NSECT thread. Throwing a bone to the underdog or side effect of membership in the Seinfeld generation?
I will never know.
Yes, you will.
"Nursing Home Knife
War" will easily get past the goofy "Flossing Vampire" even though "Nursing Home Knife War" is plenty goofy on its own.
I get it. Old people fighting with knifes. That's a hoot.
But "The Matching Towels"? This is a beautiful band name, particularly when you know the man who offered this band name. In any case, "The Matching Towels" takes me in directions that are amusing, infuriating and even personally embarrassing. ("Trash Barge" is also great this way.) "The Matching Towels" is a pretty high achievement in my book, at least as far as band names go.
You underestimate "The Matching Towels" at your peril, itchy mcgoo.