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The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:09 pm
by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I'd rather see ... "The Estro-gents" than "Gentle Fudge".
Trust me when I say this thing.
Is this a "backhanded compliment," or is this "damning with faint praise"? I will take what I can get. The Estro-Gents are gonna rock you tonight!
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:28 pm
by itchy mcgoo_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I have no comment regarding the voting to this point other than to say that I hope that you all enjoy the purple Kool-Aid.
You say this, Bradley R. Weissenberger, but you voted for Matching Towels over Nursing Home Knife Fight in the 2005 EAMUBN32NSECT thread. Throwing a bone to the underdog or side effect of membership in the Seinfeld generation?
I will never know.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:32 pm
by Germ War_Archive
Gramsci wrote:I'm calling my next band Sock Cunt
And you may play a show with my next band, Exquisite Priss.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:45 pm
by Yngwie Einstein_Archive
Well, these names are no ITCHYCOO PORK or SAVOIS FEAR, but for fake names, these should be in the Final 4:
Albini Division Finals
Are you there God? It's me, Danzig (1A)
Stack Division Finals
Book Reference Book (11S)
Weissenberger Division Finals
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Jung Division Finals
Test Fuck (4J)
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:59 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
itchy mcgoo wrote:You say this, Bradley R. Weissenberger, but you voted for Matching Towels over Nursing Home Knife Fight in the 2005 EAMUBN32NSECT thread. Throwing a bone to the underdog or side effect of membership in the Seinfeld generation?
I will never know.
Yes, you will.
"Nursing Home Knife
War" will easily get past the goofy "Flossing Vampire" even though "Nursing Home Knife War" is plenty goofy on its own.
I get it. Old people fighting with knifes. That's a hoot.
But "The Matching Towels"? This is a beautiful band name, particularly when you know the man who offered this band name. In any case, "The Matching Towels" takes me in directions that are amusing, infuriating and even personally embarrassing. ("Trash Barge" is also great this way.) "The Matching Towels" is a pretty high achievement in my book, at least as far as band names go.
You underestimate "The Matching Towels" at your peril, itchy mcgoo.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:01 pm
by wiggins_Archive
Albini Division Finals
Are you there God? It's me, Danzig (1A)
Stack Division Finals
Book Reference Book (11S)
Weissenberger Division Finals
Police Teeth (1W)
Jung Division Finals
Test Fuck (4J)
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:04 pm
by scott_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:But "The Matching Towels"? This is a beautiful band name, particularly when you know the man who offered this band name. In any case, "The Matching Towels" takes me in directions that are amusing, infuriating and even personally embarrassing. ("Trash Barge" is also great this way.) "The Matching Towels" is a pretty high achievement in my book, at least as far as band names go.
You underestimate "The Matching Towels" at your peril, itchy mcgoo.
So Brad, you're still getting really good prices on that low-grade crack rock, huh?
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:50 pm
by full point_Archive
Salut, Police Teeth UK!!
.........and Tmidget's version.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:01 pm
by itchy mcgoo_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I get it. Old people fighting with knifes. That's a hoot.
Perhaps it's old people fighting with knives, or perhaps it is a civil war of the frustrated nursing staff equipped with the kitchen's finest or a gang battle taking place in a future where wheelchairs are the chosen commodity of street toughs. Who's to say?
I appreciate that you've alerted me to the hidden subtleties of "The Matching Towels". I am glad the name "The Matching Towels" and its creator bring you joy, Bradley.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:05 pm
by Angus Jung
itchy mcgoo wrote:Throwing a bone to the underdog or side effect of membership in the Seinfeld generation?
Not only would I not see a band called "The Seinfeld Generation," I would attempt to have the power cut at whatever venue they were playing.