The FUCK OFF Thread.

Fuck off all the people buying Prince tickets and putting them on ebay for five times the face value. You jerks! You are destroying Prince's beautiful 31.21 dreams! You made me go to some scummy website and buy expensive tickets so that I can see Prince with my girlfriend before she leaves the country! Fuck off! And Ticketmaster! Fuck you, too!

The FUCK OFF Thread.

ex girlfriend who always thought she was some hot shit, you won an award for your stupid navel gazing blog, then didn't update it for two years. you and your dorky husband can go to burning man and SXSW all you want, you are not fucking kool. My kids are 20 times cuter than yours. You missed your chance honey. Fuck OFF!

cancer - for what you do to people and families and kids - FUCK the FUCK OFF!

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