The Sopranos Final Episodes...

I came late to the Sops, started with the DVDs about two years ago and have been playing catch up ever since. With the help of torrenting, today I finally caught up. Man, I'm getting up at 5am tomorrow morning to download this last episode and I'm planning on calling in sick to stay home and watch it. It's gonna be an feature length episode right?
daniel robert chapman wrote:The biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased cunts.

The Sopranos Final Episodes...

hip priest wrote:Man, I'm getting up at 5am tomorrow morning to download this last episode and I'm planning on calling in sick to stay home and watch it. It's gonna be an feature length episode right?

The HBO site says 61 minutes only. Unless its a cunning mistype and its actually 610 minutes, which would be great though a touch tiring.

The Sopranos Final Episodes...

I'm almost sad this show is ending. Even with the two year waits between seasons and all that other bullshit, the reward was usually always worth it. An excellent program which required loyalty and emotional investment to be truly appreciated.

They filmed three different endings to this final episode, so even the cast doesn't know which one will be the actual ending. Cool.

I'm want some good red wine tonight.

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