
Total votes: 33 (43%)
not crap
Total votes: 44 (57%)
Total votes: 77

Drugs: Antidepressants

Sarcasm may not be the lowest form of wit, but to drill on with it in that monotone... happyandbored, let it go! If you are tired of Rick's argument style, then fine, state so - as you have - and move on. This is getting to the "I am rubber you are glue" stage, which is as toxic as the previous excess of rancor, yet even less entertaining to read.

(More fool me for going back to reading it, though.)

Drugs: Antidepressants

sparky wrote:Sarcasm may not be the lowest form of wit, but to drill on with it in that monotone... happyandbored, let it go! If you are tired of Rick's argument style, then fine, state so - as you have - and move on. This is getting to the "I am rubber you are glue" stage, which is as toxic as the previous excess of rancor, yet even less entertaining to read.

(More fool me for going back to reading it, though.)

I don't understand. Can't you see that Bobrick is a true genius - an expert in this field? What is wrong with giving praise where it is due?

I am not tired of Bobrick's argument style at all. Maybe once I held an alternate point of view, but over time I realised I was wrong. If only more scientists and doctors would use the sort of common sense-based statistics and Google-based research Bobrick trusts, then most of the world's problems could be solved overnight.

Drugs: Antidepressants

Bobrick, I don't understand why you continue to be riled by my comments. I am supporting you. Regardless, my posts are not preventing others from posting - no one is being forced to read them. If anyone is annoyed by them, surely they can just scroll on to the next comment?

I think it's terrible no one has chosen to comment on your posts for the last few pages. However, perhaps you should stop looking at this so negatively: perhaps the reason many are not commenting is because they're on your side too. And perhaps those who disagree are just cowards who don't wish to confront your superior intellect.
Last edited by happyandbored_Archive on Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Drugs: Antidepressants

Anyone who actually follows the links that Boberick posts and joins the dots between his posts would realise that he is probably unhinged, and therefore engaging him on the topic of how paranoia/depression is to be medicated would be like asking Skrewdriver to list their top ten favorite Lenny Bruce routines.

Drugs: Antidepressants

happyandbored wrote:Those are very well written newspaper pieces you've quoted there, Bobrick. The statistics quoted seemed very well researched - I'm sure they are entirely accurate. How dreadful.

No one is stopping you from posting here, but it would seem that those who disagree are no longer brave* enough to engage you in debate anymore.


Drugs: Antidepressants

big_dave wrote:Anyone who actually follows the links that Boberick posts and joins the dots between his posts would realise that he is probably unhinged, and therefore engaging him on the topic of how paranoia/depression is to be medicated would be like asking Skrewdriver to list their top ten favorite Lenny Bruce routines.

No doubt you're right.

All those irrelevant posts about anti-depressants in a thread entitled 'anti-depressants' - he's obviously a raving lunatic.


Obviously anyone who might agree with such a raving lunatic must also be a raving lunatic. For that matter anyone who might even think about questioning anything about anti-depressants must also be a raving lunatic so what's the point talking about it? Anti-depressants are so obviously class.

Drugs: Antidepressants

Earwicker wrote:
big_dave wrote:Anyone who actually follows the links that Boberick posts and joins the dots between his posts would realise that he is probably unhinged, and therefore engaging him on the topic of how paranoia/depression is to be medicated would be like asking Skrewdriver to list their top ten favorite Lenny Bruce routines.

No doubt you're right.

All those irrelevant posts about anti-depressants in a thread entitled 'anti-depressants' - he's obviously a raving lunatic.


Obviously anyone who might agree with such a raving lunatic must also be a raving lunatic. For that matter anyone who might even think about questioning anything about anti-depressants must also be a raving lunatic so what's the point talking about it? Anti-depressants are so obviously class.

No, that is not what I posted.

I meant that Bob gets personal, abusive, childish, threatening towards people who disagree with him on vague and obscure points, so naturally people are avoiding questing his wisdom regarding issues he might be personally invested in. He's already posted about helplessness, paranoia, etc. Why wouldn't you step down?
Last edited by big_dave_Archive on Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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