Favorite Malapropism

AlBStern wrote:My downsatirs neighbor complained her boyfriend was incredibly messy and kept the place a pig style.

I pissed of an ex-girlfriend one time by fucking her "pig style" (that is to say, counter-clockwise).
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Favorite Malapropism

Not really a malapropism but, the use of literally as some kind of superlative or whatever, just keeps getting worse. It is now a completely useless word. Yesterday, I heard a guy on NPR say, I was literally driving in my car, listening to the radio and thinking about blah blah blah.Actually is also just dumped into sentences for no reason.

Favorite Malapropism

WoundedFoot wrote:Angus Jung wrote:WoundedFoot wrote:Taken from a screenshot of a Facebook post:My BIRTHDAY dinner to myself...bone apple tea.Bone apple tea. Incredible.Holy shit.Here it is. Must be seen to be believed.Took me a second to get it, but when I did, I laughed for 2 minutes straight.Why do you think Apple is capitalized?This reminds me of when my friend and I were working for a woman named Benita. My friend pronouced her name BONE-EAT-IT.My friend is ESL, but also Boneatit sucked pretty hard.

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