gio wrote: These intentions, to save humanity, reveal the truth, etc., are noble. Noble in spirit albeit horribly misguided, and potentially damaging.
I love that 'potentially damaging' line. It's a very popular criticism of conspiracy theorists among the socially acceptable dinosaurs of the fossilized left: that the existence of conspiracy theories 'damages' the progressive movement. It always strikes me as funny, because, for the rants of the cowardly structuralists to be true, they must rely on several opposing conditions to exist simultaneously. Let's have a look:
According to the spineless structuralist left, conspiracy theories are the product of the insane, the moronic, the gullible, the racist, the xenophobic, and the paranoid.
According to the spineless structuralist left, conspiracy theories distract from the movement that they claim to guide so lovingly.
Let's look at the term 'distraction'. For conspiracy theories to 'distract' the left, they must become heard *and *
considered by members of the mainstream left. If they were only heard but not considered, what danger would they pose? So right away, the leaders of the Left, by calling conspiracy theories a threat, are condemning members of
their own flock for being insane, moronic, gullible, racist, xenophobic, and paranoid. The spineless structuralist left is constantly faced with rising waters in their own basement that they are forced to pump out. The leaders of the spineless structuralist left have a hard time accepting that their movement is slipping away from them because
their own leadership produces bad results, embarassing election defeats, general cynicism and apathy, and a general consensus that the left has been turned into wishy washy pandering servants of corporate power, useful whipping boys for the promotion of the false left/right paradigm.
They find themselves with two unenviable choices to explain the continuing and growing political currency of conspiracy theories, and they are scrambling like never before to put out the brightest spotlight ever turned on the complacency of the old school left: 9/11 truth.
Unenviable Choice One: Admit that conspiracy theories are more useful than they have previously acknowledged, in order to explain the traction of conspiracy theories.
Unenviable Choice Two: Admit that their members are no longer taking their marching orders from the rickety proponents of rickety solutions.
The spineless structuralist left can bring itself to do neither yet, so they are forced to maintain a strategy against conspiracy theories that begs questions they can't answer:
If conspiracy theories suck, why are people listening?
If people are listening, then how can conspiracy theories suck?
Spineless fossils of the left: either your membership is sick of you, or you need to abandon your membership, because if you continue to pretend to be the leaders of a movement that doesn't reflect your philosophy on conspiracy theories, you are the emperors without clothes. Either you leave the left, or the left leaves you. Conspiracy theories are the axe that will bring down your tree that bears no fruit.
Craig Mack '87 baby- brand new flavor in your ear.