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Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:46 pm
by Lu Zwei
Dave N. wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:55 am I found out that there’s footage of me at age 13 playing an Iron Maiden song at the 8th grade talent show. 1985? How have I been playing bass for over 40 years?

We start around the 15:00 mark, but the singer’s reminisces are endearing and worth checking out.
Yeah, man. You were just a goofy looking paul mccartney bass wearing mother fucker!

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 1:44 pm
by Dave N.
Lu Zwei wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:46 pm
Dave N. wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:55 am I found out that there’s footage of me at age 13 playing an Iron Maiden song at the 8th grade talent show. 1985? How have I been playing bass for over 40 years?

We start around the 15:00 mark, but the singer’s reminisces are endearing and worth checking out.
Yeah, man. You were just a goofy looking paul mccartney bass wearing mother fucker!
I hated that bass. It was my dad’s. I couldn’t get my folks to spring for a P-bass or a Ric. I still have that stupid bass!

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:41 am
by rsmurphy
Dave N. wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:55 am I found out that there’s footage of me at age 13 playing an Iron Maiden song at the 8th grade talent show. 1985? How have I been playing bass for over 40 years?

We start around the 15:00 mark, but the singer’s reminisces are endearing and worth checking out.
Hell yeah, brother! We would've partied hard and been on the same laser tag league.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 10:32 am
by dontfeartheringo
First practice with a couple of guys I played with 30 years ago. (30!! fucking! years!)

The songs are still there and they're still great, but one of the dudes has tinnitus so bad he can barely be in the room with the drums. earplugs in: can't hear anything. Earplugs out: it all sounds fucked up and eventually washes over into pink noise.

Protect your earholes, lads. The most important things in your life can just go away forever if you're not careful.

I got to hang out with the kiddo and get Korean food, play drums, and ride my bike in the woods, this weekend. DHAK times, let me tell you.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:00 am
by Dave N.
I’ve been experiencing terrible foot pain for a week now. I’ve got all sorts of arthritis in my right foot, and this has been one hell of a flare-up. I was eating ibuprofen and acetaminophen like candy up until Monday, when it led to a lot of violent retching. I’ve tried epsom soaks, various balms, topical NSAIDs, oxys, kratom, meditation…nothing helps. Now I’m mostly just rawdoggin’ and dealing with the pain, in hopes of an end arriving soon.

These flare-ups are nothing new. I went to a foot specialist during my last big one a year ago. I’ll need reconstructive surgery, but they told me to hold off as long as possible, since it would keep me off of my foot for several months. I have something called a calceo-navicular coalition, which is basically a bunch of bones in the foot that are fused together that shouldn’t be fused together. The arthritis is the result of this condition.

The flare-ups used to last a couple of days. Now they last a week or more. Does anyone have a good arthritis remedy or salve that would ease this misery? I’m supposed to play a show tonight, and I’m going to have to either call it off or play sitting down.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:43 am
by rsmurphy
Dave N. wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:00 am The flare-ups used to last a couple of days. Now they last a week or more. Does anyone have a good arthritis remedy or salve that would ease this misery? I’m supposed to play a show tonight, and I’m going to have to either call it off or play sitting down.
I hope you were able to play and if so how'd the show go?

Foot pain is a total pisser and I'm sorry you're going through it. Years ago I had my first experience with gout and that was no fun. Fast-forward a few years later I began experiencing a milder but still shitty form of it. Went to the doctor and was diagnosed with pseudogout. Didn't even know that was a thing. Doc prescribed an ortho boot which helped me to get around. Maybe that can also help with your troubles until you can get them properly sorted? In any case good health to you!

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:52 am
by Dave N.
rsmurphy wrote: Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:43 am
Dave N. wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:00 am The flare-ups used to last a couple of days. Now they last a week or more. Does anyone have a good arthritis remedy or salve that would ease this misery? I’m supposed to play a show tonight, and I’m going to have to either call it off or play sitting down.
I hope you were able to play and if so how'd the show go?

Foot pain is a total pisser and I'm sorry you're going through it. Years ago I had my first experience with gout and that was no fun. Fast-forward a few years later I began experiencing a milder but still shitty form of it. Went to the doctor and was diagnosed with pseudogout. Didn't even know that was a thing. Doc prescribed an ortho boot which helped me to get around. Maybe that can also help with your troubles until you can get them properly sorted? In any case good health to you!
Played the show. It was painful and hard to enjoy, but I got through it. I’ve got another one on Sunday. Gonna keep my eyes peeled for an ortho boot.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2024 8:32 pm
by losthighway
Teaching elementary school you have to get the kids moving around once every hour or it's hard for them to focus. Once in a while I do a pretty shitty yoga routine, sloppy 101 sun salutation type stuff. Some kids get pretty into it, others just mess around.

We had one of those yoga breaks and I gave a shout out to this one dude for really trying it. After he asked me if he could sit out next time we do yoga. I asked him why and he said it's against his religion.

Kid's mom is an Indian American, dad is a white guy and they're pretty Christian. I imagine for an Indian it's much harder to divorce the concept of yoga from its Hindu roots. For them doing a warrior pose might feel like cheating on Jesus.

As is my constitutional imperative I told him I would never make him do something against his religion. I fulfilled my professional duty clearly and supportively.

But on the inside I thought, "It's not against your religion, dude. It's against your parents' religion. You're only nine, you get to figure it out for a while."

I had a Muslim student who wouldn't meditate during mindfulness breaks for similar reasons. The idea that spacing out or stretching would offend your religious beliefs is really odd to my secular American brain. I get it academically, but it feels absurd.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 11:33 am
by defendyachtrock
It took me halfway through my haircut yesterday when a vodka commercial came on the TV to realize that I hit year 9 of sobriety.

Grabbed some NA cider from the grocery store to celebrate a little. It does feel weird to celebrate—I don’t think I make big hay of my birthday even except with my girlfriend since our birthdays are so close together—but whatever, I’m treating myself.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 6:30 pm
by Nico Adie
Bumped into FM night_tools at the Wand gig in Glasgow, very nice