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Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:11 am
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:dansoderburg wrote:can this thread now exist only for the purposes of stories of people pissing abnormally far? instead of some lame pussy band trying to defend their pussy lameness?
let's have the ultimate piss contest. 30ft is the measure to beat.
the only way I can see beating it is to somehow vomit, piss and also sneeze at the exact same moment
I bet you could hit 50-60 feet if you could manage that
I'd pay to see that.
Anything I can do to help, you just let me know.
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:12 pm
by sphincter_Archive
Once I went to this festival around 5-10 years ago and someone I knew ended up sneaking some stranger in with his ticket. As thanks he bought a crate of beer and brought it back to our spot in the campsite. He sat with us and drank some beers with everyone, we played some football (soccer) and did the usual sort of stuff, none of us knew this fat chap and he was a little annoying. He eneded up staying until 7am, he drank lots of our beer, ate lots of our food and took some peoples drugs, when he left he stole one of our backpacks and a chair. Naturally I ran after him and confronted him which ended with me returning with our stuff thankfully. Earlier on in our evening, before his foulness had been fully realised I tried to talk with him, obviously we talked about music because I'm boring and have nothing to say. He told me about his band; they were incredible apparently- etc. I could go on.
Anyway, my band played one of my local clubs a few years back, and guess who was the lead singer in the band we were supporting? Fat man obviously. They opened with an acoustic cover of Song 2 by Blur, played some Manson and Radiohead songs and sounded like a slab of shit, the drummer wouldn't let us use any of his kit after he'd told us we could so we had to ram one together from the clubs basment rubbish and the bassist got pissy with us when we didn't join in on his racist ribbing of the token black man in the club that night. Personal confrontation between bands, awful memories of fat mess and trying to avoid him/pretend I didn't hate/recognise him and racism all in one night.
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:29 pm
by John George Peppers_Archive
sphincter, thanks for setting this thread back on track.
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:51 am
by that damned fly_Archive
on sunday i had the severe displeasure of seeing
this sorry excuse for a band.
somewhere between posting youtube documentaries and adding another drummer they haven't updated their myspace page or added any songs to it.
so...lemme tell ya.
5 drummers. two singers. one of 'em plays a modified gameboy. the other guy just tries to "hype" the crowd.
i have never heard a band where more people just refused to listen to eachother. and what anyone else was doing.
someone made the argument here that in a postmodern world sometimes the concept is all the art that is needed. i disagree, sometimes there needs to be execution. at this show, someone should have been executed.
not only were they terrible, but this terrible band and it's posse of motherfuckers started moshing in a tiny little sushi bar which has been kind of enough to put on rock shows when they didn't really have to. my problem with this was they were moshing all over me when i was trying to enjoy the bands i was i was actually there to see.
this band and these are powers. (i'd have posted a link to their page but myspace is being lame.)
fuck google earth.
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:08 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
that damned fly wrote:on sunday i had the severe displeasure of seeing
this sorry excuse for a band.
wow that shit is stupid
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:15 am
by cesb_Archive
sphincter wrote:Once I went to this festival around 5-10 years ago and someone I knew ended up sneaking some stranger in with his ticket. As thanks he bought a crate of beer and brought it back to our spot in the campsite. He sat with us and drank some beers with everyone, we played some football (soccer) and did the usual sort of stuff, none of us knew this fat chap and he was a little annoying. He eneded up staying until 7am, he drank lots of our beer, ate lots of our food and took some peoples drugs, when he left he stole one of our backpacks and a chair. Naturally I ran after him and confronted him which ended with me returning with our stuff thankfully. Earlier on in our evening, before his foulness had been fully realised I tried to talk with him, obviously we talked about music because I'm boring and have nothing to say. He told me about his band; they were incredible apparently- etc. I could go on.
Anyway, my band played one of my local clubs a few years back, and guess who was the lead singer in the band we were supporting? Fat man obviously. They opened with an acoustic cover of Song 2 by Blur, played some Manson and Radiohead songs and sounded like a slab of shit, the drummer wouldn't let us use any of his kit after he'd told us we could so we had to ram one together from the clubs basment rubbish and the bassist got pissy with us when we didn't join in on his racist ribbing of the token black man in the club that night. Personal confrontation between bands, awful memories of fat mess and trying to avoid him/pretend I didn't hate/recognise him and racism all in one night.
Excellent story, Sphincter. But I have 2 questions.
Didn't the guy who drank your beer and ate your food first BUY YOU A CRATE OF BEER? Or was that just considered payment for being snuck in?
How's come you went to a gig with a drummer but no drum kit? Was it arranged before you went to the venue that you'd have a drum kit provided? People coming to a gig expecting to borrow gear, then giving me "you're a douchebag if you don't let me use your shit" vibe, that always pissed me off, I have to say.
But that portly schmuck with his backpack stealing ways, whatta freak.
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:11 am
by Yngwie Einstein_Archive
I think the bands that opened up for Qui last Friday at the Bottle qualify, although they may not necessarily be douchebags. I walked in and got a beer to the painful annoyance of some fuckwit blowing the same note into his sax for 10 minutes. Then had to endure some other bullshit act (Excepter) with some idiot warbling some incoherent shit into a mic with all sorts of effects, a guy on a laptop, two keys and two ugly hippie chicks doing some bad performance art shit with finger bells. Don't people write songs anymore? Unlistenable.
Fortunately, I did enjoy Qui, although I think they would sound better with a bass player. I don't know how David Yow can throw his body around like that and not wake up sore. The man earns his beer money.
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:02 pm
by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
I so ranted about those opening bands on the Yow's New Band thread, which I'm simply too lazy to link to here.
Almost as lazy as the members of excepter when it comes to anything regarding playing an instrument, crafting a piece of music, etc. etc.
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:11 pm
by barndog_Archive
Yngwie Einstein wrote:Then had to endure some other bullshit act (Excepter) with some idiot warbling some incoherent shit into a mic with all sorts of effects, a guy on a laptop, two keys and two ugly hippie chicks doing some bad performance art shit with finger bells. Don't people write songs anymore? Unlistenable.
Unlistenable indeed.
Yngwie Einstein wrote:Fortunately, I did enjoy Qui, although I think they would sound better with a bass player.
Someone else I know said the same thing - I agree. I enjoyed the show as well, but there was a palpable lack of energy. Maybe I was (unfairly) expecting something more on the level a Jesus Lizard show in that respect.
Douchebag Support Bands
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:36 am
by that damned fly_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:that damned fly wrote:on sunday i had the severe displeasure of seeing
this sorry excuse for a band.
wow that shit is stupid
i stubbed a cigarette out on one of them when he moshed into me.