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Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:34 pm
by Mark Hansen_Archive
Chromodynamic wrote:
big_dave wrote:I am confused by the prestige class system in the PRF MMO.

While levelling up, I chose "sellout" from skill tree. Is there anyway to go back and be "fascistic" instead?


I hate to encourage the Rick bashing but I have to give the devil his due, that was pretty funny.

Fascists always have the best fashion sense. And you get to wear JACKBOOTS!!!

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:34 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
Mark Hansen wrote:I have experienced more hostility, as an atheist, from people who are religious, than the other way around.

"Atheists? I know athiests. They don't give a SHIT! They don't have the energy to have FAITH, for fuck's sake!" -- Lewis Black.

Jesus, i've been waiting for days for an opening to use that.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:40 pm
by Chromodynamic_Archive
Mark Hansen wrote:Lost in this whole "discussion" is the fact that, quite regularly and demonstrably, those who believe in god, especially those on the conservative end of the spectrum, demonize and excoriate those who don't believe in god, and death to non-believers was a regular result if you were labeled an atheist, in days gone by...

I have experienced more hostility, as an atheist, from people who are religious, than the other way around...

This is exactly what I have been trying to say, thank you for articulating it much better than I could!

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:42 pm
by frelnamp_Archive
If there is a god, and its existence cannot be proven, wouldn't that indicate that it prefers its existence not to be proven, or at least that it is, for some purpose, trying to avoid being specifically detected as a god?

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:43 pm
by big_dave_Archive
There is nothing that demonstrates your inability/unwillingness to take part in our shared reality moreso than the fact that so many ideas and concepts are interchangeable to you.

Sometimes I think you are trying to be clever, trying trick people into contradicting themselves.

Then it becomes apparent how you see the world as equivalence after equivalence.

You don't really understand or have personal experience of most of the things that you are discussing, so it is nothing for you to swap one for another. To prove this to you, I will point out how you often to fail to understand why people are offended by this "exchange": they have direct personal contact, understanding or investment in the idea, you do not. You are moving valueless pieces on the chess board when you type.

You presentation of yourself is, literally, worthless. You have to use the deaths of thousands of people in an exploded building as your identity, try and connect yourself with it. Ultimately the biggest victory here is that when someone might see 9/11 or flouride or Expelled: Darwin Sucks! in the newspaper, they might think of your username. Famous for five minutes.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:45 pm
by El Protoolio_Archive
camilo wrote:Ricardo,

As I've pointed out several times before, the main reason why many sellout liberals are fascistic atheists

I know it's a small point but can you say "fascist" instead? Fascist is already an adjective. "Fascistic" suffers from adjective inflation. What's next, "fascistical"?

Yes, I know "fascistic" is technically a word, but it seems a little too ebonic for someone so anal.

That was a fantastical post camilo.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:49 pm
by Dr Geek_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:As far as I know, except in totalitarian communist regimes, believers in religion and god were not regularly put to death by atheists,.
Thanks for my laugh of the day, Mark. "Yeah, except for the tens of millions cut down by Stalin and Mao, it's hard to find any recent examples of atheists slaughtering the religious." Good one, Mr. History.

Except Mao and Stalin replaced religious worship with state worship, much like is current in North Korea.

Besides, they did not use atheism as a justification for killing millions. They used the perceived threat to the state appartus as justification for killing millions. Certainly different from using a personal belief as justification for slaughter, as has been seen with various religious sects throughout history.

(and I'm not arguing whether or not they were atheists, because they were)

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:53 pm
by big_dave_Archive
Mythology isn't organised religion.

But the two things are the same to you, because you are invested in neither. They are just words that you type when you're calling someone a fascist on the internet. You are a guy telling bridge players that spades are the same as clubs, because they are just printed on the same cards. You are commenting on a game you are not playing, that you cannot condescend to understand.

If your repeated "i'm going to work" posts are some kind of a response to the accusation that you are anonymous, never post anything personal, then that is just asinine.

The fact that I am the only person on this forum to regularly expose you as a troll reveals much about how much slack you earn here, simply by opposing me at every turn.

Responding to you so frequently has earned me more ire than you get from the posts the first place. If you cannot see that, you're even more disconnected than I thought. It is amusing that you resent the popularity that I, blatently, do not have.

What makes me a troll? Bad spelling, swearing? Not having an avatar?

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:54 pm
by Colonel Panic_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
big_dave wrote:There is nothing that demonstrates your inability/unwillingness to take part in our shared reality
If every post I make is quickly followed by ten from the herdthinkers, I'm pretty sure that I am taking part in your 'shared reality' to a degree you find very uncomfortable.

Just because you think differently from everyone else doesn't mean you're not completely 100% wrong, only extremely alienated.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:55 pm
by Dr Geek_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Dr. Geek wrote:Except Mao and Stalin replaced religious worship with state worship,
You mean like what the globalist big government sellout liberals want us all to do?

Who are these "globalist big government sellout liberals?"