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New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:03 pm
by tommydski_Archive

It's not really about Leeds though. It's about Clough. There's more about his time at Derby than anything too. It's recast as a sort of Shakespearian tragedy. Worth a read if you like football and y'know, books. Those two things don't go together as often as I'd like.

New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:11 pm
by Sly Bug_Archive
When I'm down, I watch this video:
(OGC Nice fans celebrating a goal vs local rivals Monaco. Of course, I was in the seen stand).

After the preview, here is the first part of Garibaldi, le film. As most of you don't speak French, the only interest for you might be to see what I look like 8) :?

New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:16 pm
by Sly Bug_Archive
And here is a video of Nice - Bordeaux: Follow the players, the fans and live the game from the inside: (right click, save as...)

New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:39 am
by daniel robert chapman_Archive
Queens Park Rangers vs China on YouTube. The part of this where the Chinese player is on the QPR player's shoulders, raining fists down on his head, is about as Kung-Fu B-Movie as the average training ground friendly game is going to get.

New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:23 am
by Sly Bug_Archive
Here is the stand I'm going to. A safe stand... :wink:
Sorry for the bad music.

New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:28 am
by tommydski_Archive
Not only did Leeds win 2-1 against Palace today, I also got to watch it over the internet thanks to a webcast of a sports channel in Norway. Two miracles in one afternoon! Still bottom of the league! Hurrah!

Ooh-er, apparently one of the Leeds squad gave Palace the team sheet before the match. Much good it did them but apparently Wise has said said player will never play for Leeds again. I hope it's someone shit!

The WACCOE forums have named practically everyone as a suspect now. I think it might be Derry though, since he used to be Palace and Butterfield was the best man at his wedding. That's a shame, he was a hard worker. We'll see how it turns out.

New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:00 pm
by Sly Bug_Archive
Tonight: Nice 3 - 0 Troyes

Here is the third goal:








New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:04 pm
by Sly Bug_Archive
And I forgot, last Friday:

Garibaldi FC 1 - 1 AS Borriglione

And here is an article about the Garibaldi Football Club (November 2005).

New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:26 am
by Sly Bug_Archive
Here is the last part of GARIBALDI FC, le film:

And here is a funny thing which happened during the last game of Nice:


Nice-Troyes. Lilian Laslandes baguenaude près du but adverse. Il a déjà marqué deux fois quand un coup-franc est sifflé à proximité de la surface de réparation troyenne. Préoccupé par le jeu de tête du grand blond, Ibrahima Faye improvise un astucieux stratagème pour mettre le buteur niçois hors d’état de nuire.

Plutôt que d’essuyer bêtement ses crampons sur une articulation de plus, le Troyen subtilise le sparadrap placé par Laslandes sur sa boucle d’oreille. Décontenancé quelques secondes, le Niçois peine à démasquer le coupable quand il se retourne. Faye affiche toute son innocence en promenant son regard loin du conflit en puissance. Quand Laslandes finit par l’interpeller, le défenseur se tourne subitement vers l’arbitre pour dénoncer l’entorse au règlement de son adversaire. En dépit de ses protestations, Laslandes est botté en touche par Thierry Auriac pour se faire poser un nouveau sparadrap, les lois du jeu n’ayant pas encore statué sur le lobe de Faye.

L’exécution du coup-franc est ordonnée pendant que Laslandes vocifère après de son banc de touche, écarté d’une action dangereuse sans que la moindre goutte de sang ne soit versée…

New football season 2008-2009

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:03 am
by el capitan danjou_Archive

Vladimir Romanov - you have an amazing ability to make my jaw drop.

And he added of the Old Firm: "They have turned football into a type of showbusiness with their underhand games.

The irony of this statement is amazing given the number of managers we've had and the way he's treated Paul Hartley, Elvis and Craig Gordon.

He should be more concerned about the club he's ruining than any other club. What a cock.