One-sentence indie rock confessions

SecondEdition wrote:
Dr. Geek wrote:
FuzzBob wrote:
Dr. Geek wrote:It's not just Mould's songs that suck . . .

We'd better take this outside.

Heaven Hill?

best song on that album.

Okay, fine, that song is decent. Everything else is like putting my ear through a cheese grater.

My confession: I don't much care for Miles Davis. In fact, I find Bitches Brew to be overrated.

Nina wrote: We're all growing too old to expect solace from watching Camus and Ayn Rand copulate.

One-sentence indie rock confessions

When I was just getting into "music" (about freshman year of high school), I was a die-hard Weezer fan. I posted on the messageboard, yadda yadda yadda, in fact I still keep in contact with a few of them from time to time.

Eventually I turned into a die-hard Ted Leo and the Pharmacists fan.

Now? Most of the bands I listen to now I've never seen live and/or have broken up.

Also, I think Shudder to Think is an absolute chore to listen to, though that's not exactly a groundbreaking opinion.

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