Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:25 pm
Geez. While I was composing that dissertation, the question seems to have been decided!
Great to hear it.
Great to hear it.
Wood Goblin wrote: So long as I get to be the scruffy, happy dog in the photo.
Retail gasoline prices dropped a cent overnight Tuesday, and oil and gas futures also fell as a cyclone approaching the Persian Gulf veered away from major oil facilities.
Though Cyclone Gonu was headed toward Oman's east coast, the country's major oil installations are not directly in the storm's projected path. They continued to operate but took precautionary measures as Gonu approached.
clocker bob wrote:big_dave wrote:You called for me to be banned from the forum.
Never. Post the quote, and the link.
Pandas. Cute, cute pandas...
Colonel Panic wrote:Calling people idiots, liars, trolls, etc. is inflammatory rhetoric that has no place in an intelligent debate.
Colonel Panic wrote:People like Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh argue that way. The tactics they use are fascist tactics. Those tactics are reprehensible because they do not really tend toward to determining the the truth, but instead they attempt to bulldoze all others into going along with their one-sided mode of thinking.
big_dave wrote:You called for me to be banned from the forum.
big_dave wrote:The Hitchens thread. You "went to the moderators" concerning my post.
clocker bob wrote: The blood libel is a conspiracy theory spread against the Jews.
clocker bob wrote:The blood libel is a conspiracy spread against the Jews.
clocker bob wrote:Don't fuck up my words, asshole. I typed 'conspiracy theory'. Quote me accurately or I go to the moderators.
clocker bob wrote:big_dave wrote:You called for me to be banned from the forum.
Bob asked when, and got back this:big_dave wrote:The Hitchens thread. You "went to the moderators" concerning my post.
That wasn't a call for you to be banned, dear sir. That was me pointing out to the moderators that you were breaking the rules by making up fictional quotes that I never said, and attaching my name to them. If kerble still has the PM's I sent, he has my permission to post them.
Here's the original quote:clocker bob wrote: The blood libel is a conspiracy theory spread against the Jews.
from this post:
http://www.electrical.com/phpBB2/viewto ... 361#425361
And here is what you converted it into:clocker bob wrote:The blood libel is a conspiracy spread against the Jews.
in this post:
http://www.electrical.com/phpBB2/viewto ... 431#425431
And then I told you this:clocker bob wrote:Don't fuck up my words, asshole. I typed 'conspiracy theory'. Quote me accurately or I go to the moderators.
http://www.electrical.com/phpBB2/viewto ... 440#425440
You tampered with my words and I contacted the moderator, which I will do again if you do it again.
big_dave wrote:Go ahead post some more cute google image search results with bitchy remarks, that'll show everyone how you're a great guy really.
big dave wrote:You called for me to be banned from the forum.
big_dave wrote:I mean, brahs, the biggest active threads right now are Clocker Bob bullshit being defended with Clocker Bob insults and Clocker Bob threats.