re: what are you listening to right now?

lol i put Tyler the creator with game for you guys and i love g unit lol i love it's one taleb kwaelee and i'm little italian cousin who's gang hustling cousins I'd see for christmas introduced me to rap back in the day its a family affair that's my brothers and cousins im Southside who moved to woodcrest im riley freeman the real phony like holly golightly because the realness is innocent beleif and my older sister is huey freeman always living the good fight and not smiling or taking enough joy outta life lol she didn't take to raps like i did she taught me alternative rock lol

my older sister loves luke skywalker types pretty boys but i love hans lol give me humphrey bogart any day of the week lol or like roy from the office even though every once and awhile i share my snl boy crushes like im maroon five and the boys of Saturday night live are Victoria's secret models lol you can't like all of them dude and me too lol

and my stepdad of all people taught me neil young and i loved old man at 16 and i shared my karaoke helium balloon neil young jam for you guys here lol look at mother nature on the run in the 1970s that was me lol and i love neil young and shouldn't compare simply because their names are Neil lol my older sister wants to see all the robin williams movies and I'm like aw hon some of those are deep and some of those are creep I'm talking one hour photo I'm talking janine garodfalo and Owen wilson being mailman and like wut lol he's a good dad but the graphic imagines not Hanks not me either lol i always will watch all Sam neill movies like in the mouth of madness as the brunette gets more sultry and the town is like wut lol

and star wars is like pre Indiana Jones and star trek is for me cause it's a better future but some people prefer dr phil and his wife instead of mr spock and data and tuvok

but my dad taught us classic rock and his dad my good fella grandpa rest in peace was tough maybe front he war but he was an son of a bug in a gun lol and he loved neil diamond.. my parents were young teens and my grandpa goodfella was going to see Neil young with one of his girlfriends many lol but my dad and mom were like wut and my older sister always says if she ever has to hear sweet Caroline or that song build me up buttercup again she's going to kill somebody because why the the radio and weddings play the same five songs lol but my teen parents went with my tough guys good fella papa and they said it was so full at first they were standing around being cool and then by like fifteen minutes go by and you're singing put with your whole heart and my dad was like this rocks lol and i watched saving Silverman when i was 14 with my bff at the time rachel lol and we loved and quoted it and my mom always would tell me about that Neil diamond show with my papa and dad im like papa went wild and sand like with his whole heart and my mom was like sweetie yeah lol and it's fun to have such flavors in life your star wars and star trek and Neil young and Neil diamond and even the tough guys can't help having hearts with the right good music

so i always wind up singing and dancing to Neil diamond feeling what my parents both tell me the few times I've seen and asked but yeah..

hmm now what should i put on? it's a family affaaiiiir lol she's sly and i'm the family stone lol because i love my weed esp at sunrise lol oh and my music lol

re: what are you listening to right now?

there be some scary ass sounding rap songs sometimes you guys lol but it's all a haunted house play show it's supposed to be haunted feelings fe being hurt by life and sharing the scary part is like mental health and it's like maybe I'm a alien for you how about that lol but all my horror movies i love it's like wickerman and the babysitter and psycho goreman making the world safer that little girl changed his heart like me i was in the deserts of santa Fe lol i used to shop at trader joes and walk past George rawr rawr martins house calling out "finish it" lol finish those game of thrones but he was too busy masterbating to the fan fiction of his characters can you blame a guy that's better than George Lucas updating that ben wan wail in his basement exploring 3d when he should've been teaming up with spielberg with those dinos even James Cameron is my homeboy he appreciates a good bad flick like resident evil and yeah he built half a titanic and gave us so much and he drew Kate Winslet it's not like that doesn't turn me on but don't be the wachiwskoi brother sister pretending like you didn't pass around comic books of morpheus and claim credits you gotta repsect yo idols.. i will always feel guilty for not pursuing the big stage and making any poehler and Maya rudolph feel honored with the girls they've mothered through comedy glass ceilings I owe then so much but i Jane around cause family comes first im not the red shoes choosing between talent and love that's classic cinema you guys early film the inspiration for Dorothy shoes lol jeepers way way back lol i wouldn't know that stuff if I didn't follow my sister's to college and sit int heir classes raising my hand and participating and some douche beret said he disagreed with my sister's comment so i interrupted him raisin my hands I blatantly spoke saying i agree with the girl and my sister is laughing like stop it lol and I'm like this douche chill of a beret is clearly wrong and that other chick had the right idea and she'l loves me being in her classes after but also she's like get outta my college lol but i had fun alittle lol

hmm now for a song to play lol ..
don't be afraid of my raps it's the sound of a bark not a bite it's the pain like a girl crying about her period cause it happens every full moon and hurts alittle but that's life lol i don't need to be specific more than that but we have to be like doctors and nurses who accept bodies and then it's sexier lol

no fear lol not anymore

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