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Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 8:59 am
by Lu Zwei
Neću se uopće praviti da mogu napisati išto blizu značajnom kao što ste to svi Vi učinili prije mene, ali ću pokušati biti što osobniji. Zato to pišem na svojem jeziku i pokušat ću biti što sadržajniji...
Steve-a nisam poznavao kao velika većina Vas, to je bilo više "divljenje" izdaleka u stvarnom životu i izbliza ovdje na forumu. Znam da će zvučati glupo, ali svaki puta dok bi se odlučio nešto komentirati ovdje ili postati ovdje, osjećao sam veliku tremu, kao neki osjećaj da ne pripadam. Ali dok odvrtim danas film, to je zapravo bilo protivno svemu što je Albini predstavljao: generalnu inkluzivnost, prijateljsku ruku i bezgraničnu pomoć.
Sa Steve-om smo proveli tri predivna dana u Italiji, u intimnoj atmosferi Oxygena (Paride-ov predivan studio) i upoznali čovjeka koji ti metaforički zadaje udarac u trbuh i izaziva osmijeh u tebi/na licu od prvog trena kad ga čuješ/upoznaš. Isti osjećaj koji sam osjetio 1994e, kad sam prvi puta čuo Shellac. Nisam se oporavio od onda, nadam se da se neću do kraja života.
Hvala ti za sve, Steve. Bio si i ostao "mensch" do kraja.
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 9:31 am
by Chomskyite
@Lu Zwei
I had to use Google Translate in order to read it (!), but that was a lovely post. Thank you for sharing.
Indeed, my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has commented in this thread so far - reading your thoughts has helped me to process my own, and taken some of the sting out of the past few days.
This is an amazing community that coalesced around an amazing man. A sincere 'Salut!' to you all.
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 11:23 am
by Charlie D
Lu Zwei wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 8:59 am
Neću se uopće praviti da mogu napisati išto blizu značajnom kao što ste to svi Vi učinili prije mene, ali ću pokušati biti što osobniji. Zato to pišem na svojem jeziku i pokušat ću biti što sadržajniji...
Steve-a nisam poznavao kao velika većina Vas, to je bilo više "divljenje" izdaleka u stvarnom životu i izbliza ovdje na forumu. Znam da će zvučati glupo, ali svaki puta dok bi se odlučio nešto komentirati ovdje ili postati ovdje, osjećao sam veliku tremu, kao neki osjećaj da ne pripadam. Ali dok odvrtim danas film, to je zapravo bilo protivno svemu što je Albini predstavljao: generalnu inkluzivnost, prijateljsku ruku i bezgraničnu pomoć.
Sa Steve-om smo proveli tri predivna dana u Italiji, u intimnoj atmosferi Oxygena (Paride-ov predivan studio) i upoznali čovjeka koji ti metaforički zadaje udarac u trbuh i izaziva osmijeh u tebi/na licu od prvog trena kad ga čuješ/upoznaš. Isti osjećaj koji sam osjetio 1994e, kad sam prvi puta čuo Shellac. Nisam se oporavio od onda, nadam se da se neću do kraja života.
Hvala ti za sve, Steve. Bio si i ostao "mensch" do kraja.
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 11:25 am
by Charlie D
I'm about to hit the bike trails. I'm putting Njegov Sin on in my headphones. Good to see you again, Lu!
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 11:37 am
by Charlie D
About to slather on some sunscreen and head out and I'm looking at the loaf of bread I baked this morning and the pork loin I have in the crock to turn into lunch meat for the week and - banging a well-banged drum here - that's just something I instinctually do now because I met you lot and I wouldn't have met you lot if it weren't for FM Steve. The actual differences he made to the lives of people who never met him... Fuck.
Would I have ever taken up baking bread if I hadn't seen DFTRingo do it first? Maybe. Maybe not. (And DFTRingo's impact on my life might be a whole different thread.) Eliya posted up thread about how he makes pasta sauce based on a recipe he got one time here. We have learned behaviors because of this beautiful fucking place.
IDK, saw my loaf of bread and saw Lu posting again and just started rambling. Going to put on this sun screen and gtfo of the house for a few hours
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 1:58 pm
by Verge of Light
This quote from Steve was just one of a million chunks of wisdom he would share on the PRF. He probably spent about 10 seconds writing it. I reference this ALL THE TIME. It works for any creative pursuit.
"If nobody is willing to pay you to do something, then it isn't as valuable to the world as it is to you. You then decide if it's worth doing for its own sake. If it isn't, quit. If it is, carry on and who knows, maybe people will see value in it later and reward you. If not, you're still doing something you want to do."
I wish I could articulate his impact on my life more, but re-sharing that little chunk of genius will have to do.
RIP Steve.
My condolences to everyone who knew and loved him.
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 2:56 pm
by eliya
penningtron wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 5:33 am
eliya wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 12:53 am
Before Steve got on to sing Lido Shuffle, he dedicated the song to Michael from Silkworm. Does anyone remember what he said? It was something like "Michael would always say 'more drinking, more partying (?), more ____'". I'm only semi confident the drinking part was part of it. Anyone remember what it was?
I don't remember what may have been said before the song, but immediately after:
One more drink, one more fuck, one more hearty laugh.
That was it. Thank you!.
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 4:42 pm
by codetocontra
Last weekend, I was watching the latest Electrical Audio Gear Dork video on our TV. My wife knew instantly recognized that it was Steve and we laughed since she normally ignores most of my nonsense, but not him. Just a few days later I had to break the news to the family at dinner about Steve's passing. It was worth noting to them that this person I never met had a profound influence on me and countless others.
My daughters (aged 20 and 15) got a good history lesson. We talked about his integrity, a brief breakdown of the problems with the music industry, how some of my favorite bands and albums were recorded by him including a few they knew, that Surfer Rosa was an incredibly important album we enjoyed while dating, how bizarre it was that some roads and connections are unintentionally traced back to him, how my drummer would travel 6-8 hours to see Shellac play at the closest gigs, even using his notched copper picks on our album, etc.
I didn't seek to worship the guy but he was just always around us, his discography is full of bands that made the soundtracks of our lives. The way he pursued becoming a better earnest and honest human will continue to be a source of inspiration. He was the big brother we never had but obviously needed. Our lives were better with having a mentor like him.
Revisiting some of Steve's interviews, videos, performances, and podcasts this past week. Conan Neutron replayed the interview with Steve from 2015 (Ep021). When asked if he had any parting words, Steve said, "No, not really, don't quit, that's probably about it."
Fuck. Those are the exact words I probably need to hear right now.
Hugs to all.
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 6:40 pm
by seby
From Chris at aitwindows:
“Air isn't linear. That's why DAWs don't sound like reality: they are literally too perfect, in that their transients, their sound combining, every aspect of their operation has no error at all. One would assume this would produce perfect sound, but some of us have never shut up about our grievances with it. (We just lost a titan of that grievance in Steve Albini, but he's far from alone in that.)”
Re: Requiescat FM Steve
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 6:45 pm
by Pnoom
To say that Steve changed my life from afar would be a great understatement. My brief interactions with him at Shellac shows were very warm and pleasant. Much love to him and his - we lost a really good one. Stay strong all