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Pass along some love...

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:05 pm
by kenoki_Archive
i also give props to mandroid's dad!!!!!! i forgot!!!!! hi mandroid's dad!!

Pass along some love...

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:19 pm
by honeyisfunny_Archive
Angus Jung wrote:
fantasmatical thorr wrote:thank you for having me, a bored, sweary english bird.

There is almost never anything I want to read on these boards anymore.

Besides the existence of a lot of seriously unfunny grabassers, college students, self-obsessed dudes in their twenties, and other such idiots, I think it might have to do with this "bored" thing.

People are bored, so they write things that are boring.

There's never any reason to be bored. If you're bored, that's on you.

But I should "pass along some love," so.....Hosoi.

shut up you TWAT

Pass along some love...

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:46 pm
by prplmtngal_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:shut up you TWAT

Ugh, all this sugary, syrupy love in here is making me sick to my stomach.

(Sorry Honey, it's very difficult for me to resist the opportunity to be a smart aleck)

Thanks, Heavy Nice Kenoki, right back at you. Hope you get wired back up real soon.

I would like to pass along some love to all the spammers, because of the replies they generate.

To the powers that be, for keeping the board going.

To EA contributors great and small, for making me learn, listen, laugh and occasionally lambaste.

Pass along some love...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:34 am
by simmo_Archive
Angus Jung wrote:
fantasmatical thorr wrote:thank you for having me, a bored, sweary english bird.

There is almost never anything I want to read on these boards anymore.

Besides the existence of a lot of seriously unfunny grabassers, college students, self-obsessed dudes in their twenties, and other such idiots, I think it might have to do with this "bored" thing.

People are bored, so they write things that are boring.

There's never any reason to be bored. If you're bored, that's on you.

But I should "pass along some love," so.....Hosoi.

This post is boring and unfunny. I suspect you of being a self-obsessed student in his twenties.

Pass along some love...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:55 am
by gio_Archive
Salut, AlbStern and Ryan Kevin Electrons Rezvani!

Pass along some love...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:04 am
by MTAR_Archive
salut! everyone!

Pass along some love...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:27 am
by rachael_Archive
Dindon and Simmo are THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER.

Pass along some love...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:32 am
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
simmo wrote:I suspect you of being a self-obsessed student in his twenties.

You are 100% wrong, Sherlock.

Pass along some love...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:37 pm
by Chapter Two_Archive
Hello. Time for love.

Simmo, I'm sorry I keep referring to the demo you never sent me. I don't care. In case you were feeling bad about it. Perhaps you weren't thinking about it at all at all. No worries.

Al B. Stern, thank you for my Chicago Electrons hat. Sorry there's been no photo yet; I have a film camera, and there's still film left to use up.

Adam CR, thank you for guiding me through the dark new lands of real name bearing, and providing the gay robot. And I admire you for sticking to your no-longer-the-rabbit guns while I run back screaming into the arms of my baby. But of course you will always be the mighty rabbit, it is not for you to choose.

To the Greenwich Meantime riders and fellow wage slaves I meet upon the foggy downs each day, as we wend our weary way through earning another crust. One and all - you know who yers are. Good morrows to you.

Mandroid 2.0. You know things. And yet we converse still. Thank you.

To my homie Ivan Dobsky, for coming on here and staying, and being very knowledgeable about lots of music I have no idea about, and going on about football a lot, and being funny. You are a diamond geezer, sir.

And finally, my other homie, Earwicker. There are few words, chief. YOU HAVE GUTS AND YOU RULE.

Big, big, big love to all of you.

:D Yeah!!! :D

Pass along some love...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:56 pm
by syntaxfree07_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
simmo wrote:I suspect you of being a self-obsessed student in his twenties.

You are 100% wrong, Sherlock.

I'll pass some love back to Bradley Weissenberger: For always linking his references... no matter how insignifigant they may seem.