Favorite Malapropism

I'm growing weary of these, which I know aren't truly malapropisms but a relevant sidebar of popular mispronunciations:photography pronounced "fertography"especially pronounced 'ekspecially"familiar pronounced "fermiliar"I would think they're funny but I'm starting to worry they're becoming a normal usage.
Colonel Panic wrote:Anybody who gazes directly into a laser is an idiot.

Favorite Malapropism

Piss Pisstofferson wrote:This is another case of someone who was speaking English as a second language, but I never forgot about this Austrian girl who, when she was annoyed at someone, would say He's really pissing on my nerves!Not fair to bring kids into this perhaps, but one phrase that stuck in my head when my first daughter was much younger: Dad, I wish you'd get off my nerves.
"Whenever the words 'art' and 'rock' have come together, I make my excuses and leave" - John Peel, 2004

Favorite Malapropism

A few week's ago, a colleague was describing someone's reaction to a situation: The look on his face was worthless.For about 10 seconds after that, my brain couldn't quite listen to what she was saying as it scrambled around wondering how to deal with the words.
"Whenever the words 'art' and 'rock' have come together, I make my excuses and leave" - John Peel, 2004

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