pet peeves

This is probably UK-centric, and it's really fucking petty, but I hate it when people talk about "choritzo"For the sake of consistency, I hope you're calling that island off Spain "Ibitza".Choreetho. Choreeso. Choreezo. Use all three. I don't care. We got a delicious thing. And being British, we insist on putting our own arsehole stamp on it. Gah.
yaledelay wrote:FUCK YOU APPLE PIE you are a old man...

pet peeves

Couple serious peeves attacking me from all sides lately. 1. Full voice mail boxes. Especially when you are need to do business. Fuck you.2. Servers asking me "how is everything tasting?" .Are you trying distract me from noticing your shitty or complete lack of service? I suppose I could answer "With palates, and we're people, not things. Also, this taco is too salty." I would hate it just as much though if the question was "how does everything taste?" Just ask how everything is.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

pet peeves

Musicians on stage complaining about the conduct of their audiences (unless it's someone in the crowd being an asshole). "You know you guys can move around a bit.""You're allowed to dance." "You're all in the back, move up front."Even more annoying when it's a comedian making snarky remarks about the lack of laughter.

pet peeves

virtually nothing in this thread would give me cause for pause. geiginni wrote:Fucking man spreading on the train.But this one, THIS fucking one, it really gets on my tits. One bloke who takes up two seats then stares at his phone and will not budge an inch for any other fucker who has the gall to want a seat too, that's when I become proactive. Especially when it's some tracksuited twat who thinks he's all I Am The Sporty Team Therefore King Shit of Hump Mountain. I just lose it. I'll sit on his leg. Whatever dude. You know you're being a cunt here. Or I'll wedge my way in and turn my head and stare at his ear for an uncomfortable period of time. Oddly, 20 seconds seems like such a short period of time but it is a fucking eternity when you do this. It really is the only language bullies understand. They only continue to get away with doing it is cos people don't call them out on it.

pet peeves

<3janeway wrote:when i wash my hands with long sleeves and one drop rolls all the way up my arm and i have to take the whole thing off to dry myself because it makes it practically to my shoulder Pro tip: Do not raise your arms over your head when washing your hands, keep the arms angled downward.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

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