What is Glenn Danzig doing right at this moment?

Facts about Glenn Danzig1-He has a glass chin.2-He is has a lot of dumb opinions and is prone to conspiracy theorizing. œIt s really not a travel ban, Danzig says. œWhen you walk into the country, we want to see who you are and what you re doing. Well, when I go to every country right now, they look at me and they see whether I can come in or not. And I ve been turned away from Canada and other places before. Where s my protest? Where s my parade? Yes, because that s totally the same thing. But hey, at least he s pro-choice! œI might be conservative on some issues, and some issues I m really liberal, he explains. œI m pro-abortion and I m pro-Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately, instead of stopping there, he continued: œBut I don t think Planned Parenthood should be selling baby parts like a chop shop in Brooklyn, OK? http://www.stereogum.com/1943538/danzig ... arts/news/

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