Re: Politics

They launched 140 back in April. This time it's 180 and Isreal's defenses seem to have intercepted them. I'm not saying it isn't serious, but Iran seems inclined to sabre-rattling.
We're headed for social anarchy when people start pissing on bookstores.

Re: Politics

Curry Pervert wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:41 pm Why is JD Vance always staring into the raised middle distance like a psychopath when he's talking?
Because he is a psychopath? He is so used-car salesman slick it grosses me out.

Debate has been much more watchable but less comedic than the last debate between Harris and Trump, except for the muting incident. That was rather amusing.

But ultimately, I don’t see this debate making any difference.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Politics

Krev wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 4:57 pm They launched 140 back in April. This time it's 180 and Isreal's defenses seem to have intercepted them. I'm not saying it isn't serious, but Iran seems inclined to sabre-rattling.
I don’t think sabre-rattling is quite it, they’re just more necessarily more prudent than the west and aren’t as inclined to tip off another world war as the crazy assholes trying to steer this bitch straight into the sun. The assassination of Soleimani invited a similar response, when they made a big show and fucked up a military base and not much else… depending on how much you believe the assassination stuff that followed afterwards.

Israel is out of control and obviously doesn’t give two shits about the dotard in office. This whole thing sucks and keeps getting worse.

Anyways, if it does happen I figure we’re up to WWIV next, # III being the 45 year Totally-Not-A-War that took place all over the World and also helped set this one off

VP debate recap

last one i hope...

iran launched a failed attack on israel today. 40,000 US soldiers are deployed. iran is developing a nuke in the next 2 weeks. walz, would you support a preemptive strike by israel on iran?

israel's defense is fundamental. expansion is fundamental for the US. steady leadership is fundamental. trump is almost 80 and talking about crowd size. john kelly said he was the most flawed human being he ever met. sen. vance said he was unfit for office. harris is calm. allies matter. we will protect our allies and there will be consequences.


i was working class on food stamps. i served in the USMC in iraq and went to college. iran received billions from harris for weapons used against the US. that question is for israel. they need to decide.

trump wrote off TBIs as headaches when iran dropped bombs near our troops.

trump exited the deal with iran. now he wants to deal. which is it?

your running mate was VP. not me. you can't ignore october 7. i'm 40. when's the last time a president did not have a major conflict? it's trump.

climate change makes hurricanes worse. how would you reduce climate change?

we need to save as many lives as possible. walz agrees with me. we support clean air/water. let's say it's true about carbon emissions. so produce energy here. harris does business overseas where the emissions are higher. invest in america.


trump called climate change a hoax. the inflation reduction act created 200,000 jobs. farmers are adapting. "i harvest corn, soybean and wind." we are an energy superpower of the future.

is climate change a hoax?

if the democrats thought it was serious they would manufacture here. clean energy is a slogan. if your solar panels are made in china, you're not serious.

immigration is the top issue for voters. how will your deportation program work?

we have to stop the bleeding. harris wanted to undo trump's policies. she opened the floodgates to fentanyl. my mother struggled and got clean. build the wall. start with the criminal migrants. DHS has lost 320,000 children. the real family separation policy is her open border.


30% decrease in opioid deaths this year! 1500 new border agents! just what america wants. but trump said no because he needs something to talk about. he promised you a big beautiful wall. 2% of that wall got built and mexico didn't pay a dime! vance said it was laughable.

will you separate american citizen kids from their parents?

we know they use children as drug mules. all she did as border czar was undo trump's executive actions. it has to stop.

70% support mass deportations. walz?

we could solve this if trump didn't make it an issue. the ohio governor had to escort kindergartners to school.

you know congress controls funding. so how can trump solve this?

just let law enforcement do their job. walz is worried about what i said about springfield. they're overwhelmed. american citizens had their lives destroyed. he may want to solve this, but harris doesn't.

you can't blame migrants for everything. asylum claims should take 90 days.

fact check: the haitians are here under asylum.

but that's not how it works... [mic cut off]

thank you for explaining the legal process lol.

how will you pay for your housing credit?

trump will increase inflation and lead to a recession. just ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share.

the trump plan will also increase the deficit. how will you pay for it?

she had the opportunity to enact all these great policies. instead costs went up and made middle class life unaffordable. she ought to do these plans now. look at the record. trump delivered.

covid collapsed our economy on day 1. don't listen to trump. he hasn't paid federal taxes in 15 years and bragged about it.

those same experts lied about exporting jobs. trump said no more. make more of our own stuff.

i'm a union guy. we need fair trading partners. trump made the largest trade deficit with china.

walz, you said you were in hong kong during the spring 1989 protests but you weren't there until august. what's up with that?

i come from a small town and joined the national guard. i went to china in summer of 1989 then i went back and forth. my community saw me. look, i tried my best but i wasn't perfect. they elected me to congress and i was bipartisan. then i was governor. i'm there for the people. i will talk a lot but i learned a lot about china. understand the world and do the best you can. i was a good teacher, soldier and congressman.

so can you explain?

i misspoke. i was in hong kong and china during the democracy protests and learned a lot about governance.

vance, you said trump could be america's hitler and then voted for him in 2020. you also said trump thoroughly failed to deliver economic populism. as his running mate, how will you tell trump what he needs to hear?

when you misspeak you ought to be honest. i've been extremely consistent. we could have done better if congress did its job. democrats and republicans in congress need to govern better. the one good thing biden did was protect jobs with trump's tariffs. she's running away from his record.

minnesota is one of the least restrictive abortion states. do you support 9 month abortion?

that's not what the bill says. medical abortion is illegal in texas and rape abortion is illegal in kentucky. we restored roe v. wade in minnesota and put women in charge. project 2025! infertility treatment is why i have a child. basic human right. minnesota trusts women & doctors.

americans don't agree with everything i've said about this. as a republican who wants to protect the vulnerable, we have to earn their trust back on this issue. i support fertility treatments and affordable homes. just give women more options. let the states decide.

walz, do you support 9 month abortion?

restore roe v. wade.

vance, you have supported a 15 week abortion ban. why did you change your mind?

ohio voted against my position. we have to earn their trust back. make childcare and fertility treatment more accessible.

we're not pro abortion. we're pro women, pro choice. we know the consequences. minnesota has low teen pregnancy.

your law says if a baby survives an abortion, the doctor doesn't have to save it.

these are women's decisions. that's not how the law is written. just mind your own business on this. they fact checked this last time.

the leading cause of child death is firearms. vance, you oppose gun control. could holding parents responsible curb gun violence?

sometimes. details matter. we agree we need to do better. most of these are illegal guns. the mexican cartels are bringing them in. increase school security.

my 17 year old witnessed a shooting at the community center. i'm a hunter. i understand the 2nd amendment. folks won't allow gun violence research. finland has guns but not this problem. harris knows this issue as attorney general.

i didn't know that about your daughter, sorry. we have higher anxiety and depression in this country. those are the root causes. big cities have a gun violence problem. empower law enforcement and security.

why did you change your position on assault rifles?

times have changed. rural suicides are the highest. mental health is not a scapegoat. sometimes it's just guns.

there's a housing shortage. harris promises all this stuff. where are these houses going and won't this drive up prices?

we need to make it more affordable. we cut the red tape. a VA home loan has no down payment. we can't blame immigrants. we can help kickstart it.

vance you promise to remove regulation and cut back on immigration. where are these houses going and where's the immediate relief?

we don't blame immigrants, we blame harris for letting them in. that's why costs are up right next to illegal alien populations. harris is not a newcomer, she's the vp. i invite her to do this now. drill baby drill. if the diesel costs more than their lumber delivery, it won't work.

where are you seizing federal lands?

we could open up. we have a lot of land. kick out illegal immigrants and build more for american citizens.

walz, is harris letting them in?

no. i don't understand the federal lands issue. protect our parks. they're not a commodity.

there are many contributing factors. why do you think it's migrants?

i can show you the numbers. but it's also harris. she makes it harder to build things. it is a commodity by giving it to immigrants who shouldn't be here.

trump said he has concepts of a plan. how would that work? can you cover americans with preexisting conditions?

2018 saw drug prices fall. he introduced transparency. allow states to experiment. he implemented these plans and salvaged obamacare instead of destroying it. it's not perfect of course.

i come from the home of the mayo clinic and medtronic. it's why we're #1. trump tried to repeal obamacare on day 1 but lost at the supreme court. mccain saved that bill. harris negotiated prices for the first time with medicare. they're going to let insurance companies pick. harris will protect obamacare.

vance what's your plan?

obamacare was too expensive. trump fixed that. inflation was low and pay was high under trump

walz, didn't obamacare enrollment rise under trump?

it's higher now.

so you endorse the individual mandate?

we have to if you want health care at 70.

there's a childcare crisis. walz you said this is a day 1 priority. how long should employers give new parents?

that's negotiable. we passed a paid FMLA in minnesota. we know this works. it's pro business. we have to make it easier.

vance do you support a national FMLA? how long should employers give new parents?

being a working mom is difficult. my wife had family medical leave because she's a corporate lawyer and it was still hard. we should make choice possible. these programs only go to one kind of childcare model. we promote choice.

the fed says we spend as much on childcare as housing. trump said it's not very expensive. is he committed to your tax credit?

we will penalize slave labor countries and cut taxes. we will be able to help families.

how will that help childcare?

people have no options. we need more providers.

walz, do you think congress will agree to your promised proposals?

if they're listening, this is the biggest issue. tariffs won't help. we need more workers.

the judges said there was no widespread election fraud in 2020. vance, you would not have certified it. will you challenge it this year [if you lose]?

i just said debate it peacefully. trump left the white house on jan 20. the real threat to democracy is censorship. it's lost friendships and big tech misinformation. kennedy and gabbard don't agree with me on everything but we agree harris is engaged in censorship and that's worse than what trump said.


trump was very clear. 140 cops were beaten on jan 6. they rushed my house and scared my son and his dog. president's words matter. shake hands when you lose.

hillary clinton did the same thing in 2016. it's not just a republican problem.

trump is still saying he didn't lose in 2020.

harris censored people during the pandemic.

that's a non answer!

every american can criticize their government.

pence certified the election [not you]. where is the firewall with trump if he knows he can do anything and his VP won't do anything?

walz, your closing statement?

from bernie sanders to dick cheney to taylor swift they believe in a positive future and better politics. we all know trump. vance will continue down that road. he said trump makes people afraid. harris brings the politics of joy. give everyone a chance to thrive.


heat is more difficult under harris' energy policies. you ought to live in safe neighborhoods. she says she's going to work these on day 1 but her day 1 was 1400 days ago. we have the greatest most beautiful country but they can't achieve their dreams with broken leadership. we need change.

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