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Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:05 am
by honeyisfunny_Archive
Strikes me this thread is just an opportunity for Marsupialized and band mate to discuss the gig they've just done. Seems like the bands you guys play with are from a different world to what most of are used to, I'd suggest just trying to book your band onto shows that aren't some form of revolving talent show.

If a band is shitty either fuck with them on the night, or leave it in the knowledge that they'll get theirs. It's as simple as that.

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:55 am
by Boombats_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:Strikes me this thread is just an opportunity for Marsupialized and band mate to discuss the gig they've just done. Seems like the bands you guys play with are from a different world to what most of are used to, I'd suggest just trying to book your band onto shows that aren't some form of revolving talent show.

If a band is shitty either fuck with them on the night, or leave it in the knowledge that they'll get theirs. It's as simple as that.

Is any thread started by Sup* not an opp to talk about himself? :wink: Look at the Kuma thread etc.

Hey there are some threads here that are exclusively Brit-populated. I've started threads that have been bumped by my responses to others' comments, making it inevitably "my" thread, though I originally meant it to be open discussion. That's how it goes.

You suggest that Begin By Gathering Supplies start playing something other than "talent shows", but I doubt they or any other band have much of a say in the matter, unles they band together and start a D.I.Y. showcase. But hey, if CocoRapist can get on TouchAndGo, then maybe next year BBGS will be in the next showcase!

*edit: oops this one was started by JGP

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:40 am
by John George Peppers_Archive
Hey, I am in no way for this thread anymore. I've found that it's common to have a douchebag in a evenings line up. At this point, the thread that should be used is the...."Awesome bands to have on the bill" type thread. It's more rare to play with a really awesome band so that is what should be discussed.

I am 120% against bumping this thread up now or in the future.

However, by making this statement Marsup will only come in strong when he reads this post and insure that this stays up for a few more days. That's how things work. Then you guys will start ragging on my band, which is already starting to happen, and then I have to wait a few days for things to blow over. So, yea, I'm 120% against this thread as my initial return post states. At the time I started it, it was a fun conversation, but that was many months ago and 15 pages ago.

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:33 am
by honeyisfunny_Archive
John George Peppers wrote:Hey, I am in no way for this thread anymore. I've found that it's common to have a douchebag in a evenings line up. At this point, the thread that should be used is the...."Awesome bands to have on the bill" type thread. It's more rare to play with a really awesome band so that is what should be discussed.

I am 120% against bumping this thread up now or in the future.

However, by making this statement Marsup will only come in strong when he reads this post and insure that this stays up for a few more days. That's how things work. Then you guys will start ragging on my band, which is already starting to happen, and then I have to wait a few days for things to blow over. So, yea, I'm 120% against this thread as my initial return post states. At the time I started it, it was a fun conversation, but that was many months ago and 15 pages ago.

You're a sensible chap and I like you.

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:57 am
by Boombats_Archive
John George Peppers wrote:At this point, the thread that should be used is the...."Awesome bands to have on the bill" type thread. It's more rare to play with a really awesome band so that is what should be discussed.

That's a good idea, but shouldn't you start a new thread so this doesn't get dredged up more? And I wasn't ragging as much as saying you won't always have to play with amateur douchebags... one day you could exclusively share the stage with professional douchebags.

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:03 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:Strikes me this thread is just an opportunity for Marsupialized and band mate to discuss the gig they've just done

My goodness, why would anyone want to discuss music, bands and playing shows on a music related forum populated by exclusively musicians? and tons of local ones from my area at that?
You are an idiot.
I can discuss whatever the fuck I want, with whoever I want to discuss it with, if you don't wanna read it don't read it. There's thousands of other threads here, my advice would be for you to go find one that interests you if this one does not.
I am not at all interested in what you, Boombats or anyone else thinks I should be doing or saying or talking about, keep that in mind for the future.

honeyisfunny wrote:Seems like the bands you guys play with are from a different world to what most of are used to, I'd suggest just trying to book your band onto shows that aren't some form of revolving talent show.

Exactly 2 bands out of 20 or so shows have been douchebags.
Every other band I mention that we played with is 'they were cool' and 'it was fun'
Read the fucking thing, you idiot.

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:11 am
by honeyisfunny_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:There's thousands of other threads here, my advice would be for you to go find one that interests you if this one does not.

It's actually pretty tricky to find a thread among the thousands on this forum that doesn't feature some ego-tweak comments from yourself.

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:38 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:There's thousands of other threads here, my advice would be for you to go find one that interests you if this one does not.

It's actually pretty tricky to find a thread among the thousands on this forum that doesn't feature some ego-tweak comments from yourself.

Gimmie a fucking break. Ego-tweak, that's why most of my stories end with me looking like an idiot or doing or saying something stupid.
I get on here and I try and make people laugh. 99% of the time I post something it's something I think will make someone chuckle and make their day a little less horrible....once and awhile I get on and I rant about something that pisses me off. I love playing music so I talk about playing music, I love playing shows so I talk about playing shows and all that goes along with it. Fucking sue me.
I know it's not cool to actually be excited about playing music and the whole rock process, I should act so bored with it but I cannot. I really get a kick out of it.
These are my sins as far as the PRF is concerned. I like to try and make people laugh and I like to talk about music. Good god I can see where that's such a major problem for you.
What the fuck have you done that's so fucking noble?
Piss and moan at other people trying to have a good time and talking about what makes them feel good to talk about?
Shove it, man. Right up in there.

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:22 pm
by d865_Archive
In my mind there is time/space, the cornucopic colors of the seasons, the movements of non-flacid muscles and minds, all these are for writers of genius (as far as we can guess and I trust we guess right) , such as marsupialized, not traditional notions which may be borrowed from the circulating library of public truths but a series of unique surprises which master artists have learned to express in their own unique way.

To the minor authors is left the ornamentation of the commonplace: these do not bother about any reinventing of the world; they merely try to squeeze the best they can out of a given order of things, out of traditional patterns of writing. The various combinations these minor authors are able to produce within these set limits may be quite amusing in a mild ephemeral way because minor readers like to recognize their own ideas in a pleasing disguise. But the real writer, the fellow who sends planets spinning and models a man asleep and eagerly tampers with the sleeper’s rib, that kind of author has no given values at his disposal: he must create them himself.

Honeyisfunny, you are a good storyteller, a good moralist and a superb enchanter from the british isles. I always enjoy reading your posts, especially the ones that are peppered with a demon's flash of gaiety. Your windsong stays in my mind.

BBGS have proven to be one of the top musical acts in chicago. If threads like this can spread their message of music then ....that would be helpful for them. Marsupialized's posts have helped to keep me in good spirits after finding out about a cheating girlfriend. Long story involving a small digital recorder... ..We need to raise a bridge that will cross this great cultural divide. A song of peace, love, understanding. ...and forgiveness.....

Douchebag Support Bands

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:10 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
I just wanna take a moment to say that there were zero douchebag bands at the show we played last night. We love The Columbines and we love Miracle Condition. A nicer bunch of people to hang out with and put on a rock show for the night would be impossible to find no matter where you looked.
Salut! May our paths cross again many times over on the way to riches and superstardom for us all!

Also extra thanks to PEPPER! for playing slide guitar with us last night, sounded great