Re: Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

llllllllllllllllllll wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 2:20 pm Have you ever looked into ***building tube mic pres? I still can’t get over how goddamn expensive studio stuff is and I was wondering if it was a whole different thing from tube amps

Garth wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 2:50 pm
llllllllllllllllllll wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 2:20 pm Have you ever looked into buying tube mic pres? I still can’t get over how goddamn expensive studio stuff is and I was wondering if it was a whole different thing from tube amps
Fuck yes this is a REALLY good question. Would absolutely assume at least logically that the needs (and expense) of a loud-ass amp are much greater than a preamp.

Well that's where you guys could help. I have *zero* clue about studio gear in terms of what's good or unobtainable by inexpensive means. If you've got ideas of candidate items to clone or use as a starting point, i'd happily give it a shot.

Re: Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

What about REDD/EMI pres? Just spit-balling for an example, but modern recreations go for like $2,000 a channel and I wonder how much of that is legit time and material costs and how much of it is cocaine inflation.

Maybe a desktop unit would be an easier form to build something in than a 19” rack?

Of course there is other stuff out there, I just don’t know what would make sense with current part availability.

Re: Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

llllllllllllllllllll wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 4:38 pm What about REDD/EMI pres? Just spit-balling for an example, but modern recreations go for like $2,000 a channel and I wonder how much of that is legit time and material costs and how much of it is cocaine inflation.

Maybe a desktop unit would be an easier form to build something in than a 19” rack?

Of course there is other stuff out there, I just don’t know what would make sense with current part availability.
Just looked up the EMI REDD 47 pre and it doesnt look wildly complicated on a cursory look. I'd imagine selecting the input and output transformers would be the hardest part but otherwise its a pretty simple two tube circuit. Form factor ideas? Like is a rack preferred or a lunchbox type thing?

I'll investigate more tomorrow...its bowling league time.

Re: Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

Dr Tony Balls wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 5:08 pm
Just looked up the EMI REDD 47 pre and it doesnt look wildly complicated on a cursory look. Like is a rack preferred or a lunchbox type thing?
Well you could go full lunch box and make something 500 series then you don't have to design the power supply, but it's a cramped fit and you have to work with their slot card (not sure if that's the right term) deal to connect +, -, earth for power and audio signal to the currently manufactured chassis.

None of this will ever seem easy to me, but from what I know a two space 19" rack unit is easier to design and fit everything. At least that seems to be lots of new boutique's flagship box, I figure that's for a reason.

Re: Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

Correction to my previous post.....

On my way to bowling league I stopped by our local hangout spot in the park and chatted with my friend who is well versed in the recording world (Steve Silverstein, some of you may know him) and picked his brain a little on the topic. First, I had no idea that "lunchbox" was a specific term for an enclosure system. I dont mean that. I meant would it be preferred to be in a 1U or 2U rack or a table-top enclosure like the UA 610 (shown below). My buddy seemed to think that would depend on the client.
Talking myself through this....

Regarding the EMI Redd 47 thing, here's an interesting post about a guy DIYing one. What I find interesting (puzzling?) is the input and output transformers used. The schematic for the original unit seems to show 1:7 and 7:1 ratios for each, respectively. However, the guy at the link says that he used a 1:10 and a 5:1 for the pair and it sounds great. He also says the input is rather hot, and that's probably due to the 1:10 ratio, but a variable pad is easy enough. It would seem that the transformers are the big mystery/mojo piece that one could get mired in technically and economically, especially the input transformer. There are a few options there but may be best to go real-ish deal. The 1:10 Jensen that the dude suggests is like $160 versus a proper 1:7 Sowter one at ~$140 (plus UK shipping). That said there's also a 1:10 Hammond one easily available at $84.

Still doing some research/thinking....might be be good to just knock one out and see what happens/what needs to change.

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