I've been recording with this delicate monstrosity since late 2017:
Been looking to tone-down the amount of time I spend recording entirely, but I also want to make use of the analog pre I just bought (Grace Design m101).
Have been weighing a 2-channel vs. a 1-channel. After about 24-hours of thinking about this, I think 1-channel is actually the way to go, because if I want to record in stereo I can just plug the Peavey back in.
Might go for this one: Rode AI-1
My only hesitancy is that I like playing drums and recording drums, and mono drums are way inferior to stereo imo. But then again, I can easily record stereo drums if I just plug the Peavey back in. Whatever.
I've also been checking out rack gear, since I use a Hi-Fi to listen to music. Seems like the Solid-state recording devices are not really manufactured anymore, but I do like the concept of not using a computer at all and just clicking record on a piece of rack gear on top of my stereo and then recording drums or guitar or whatever just into there.
This Denon 450 is advertised on eBay for like $150 but I dunno, it's still limiting in a certain way.