son of rank: the kenny

tmidgett wrote:kenny see or izzy blind:

being really into 'polyamory,' but you are a dorky and unattractive person whose only sway is over similarly dorky and unattractive lapdogs and dullards

jb: being really into "pornamory," as a dorky and unattractive person who lucks into the tremendous job of "best boy" or "gaffer" with a lucrative film company that specializes in 'polyamory.'

jw: being really into "uniamory," but you are a dorky and unattractive person who has a tremendous case of no hands.

Ken you ken:

a f-word jaw-dropping female rack

son of rank: the kenny

toomanyhelicopters wrote:
a fecking jaw-dropping giganto-cock

JB: a giganto-cock helping an old lady with her groceries
JW: a giganto-cock plundering a Vietnamese village


Joe Coleman setting his chest aflame with firecrackers
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

son of rank: the kenny

k: joe coleman setting his chest aflame with firecrackers

jb: a homeless person setting his chest aflame with firecrackers for 5 bucks outside a show in Atlanta.
jw: your friend trying to set his chest aflame with firecrackers, seemingly to impress a girl.

bleh. cop out answer.


cleaning out your car and finding a pack of cigarettes with one, maybe 2 cigarettes missing.
HotATLdiy|HAWKS[/img]|[url=]Blame Game

son of rank: the kenny

wiggins wrote:KEN-YE WEST:

cleaning out your car and finding a pack of cigarettes with one, maybe 2 cigarettes missing.

JB: Cleaning out your car and finding John Travolta's hot wife Kelly Preston under the floor mat, freshly divorced from JT and Scientology, with a knowing glimmer in her eye, and one, maybe two teeth missing.

JW: Cleaning out your car and finding a horny, freshly transsexualized Whoopi Goldberg stuffed into the glove box, with one, maybe two extra cocks.

Kennelly-Heaviside layer (cannot resist):

A horny, freshly transsexualized Whoopi Goldberg stuffed into the glove box, with one, maybe two extra cocks.

son of rank: the kenny

Mr. Chimp wrote:Kennelly-Heaviside layer (cannot resist):

A horny, freshly transsexualized Whoopi Goldberg stuffed into the glove box, with one, maybe two extra cocks.

just better = a horny, freshly transsexualized Flavor Flav stuffed into the glove box, with one, maybe two extra clocks

just worse = ESPN's Chris Berman

Please, kenny:

- driving around your neighborhood on a Saturday you notice several signs for a "Huge" garage sale, you travel a couple of blocks out of your way to check it out only to find that the "Huge" garage sale consists of only a few piles of used baby clothes, a dogeared stack of Reader's Digest magazines and an old exercise bike

son of rank: the kenny

stackmatic wrote:Please, kenny:
- driving around your neighborhood on a Saturday you notice several signs for a "Huge" garage sale, you travel a couple of blocks out of your way to check it out only to find that the "Huge" garage sale consists of only a few piles of used baby clothes, a dogeared stack of Reader's Digest magazines and an old exercise bike

I saw one'a those last week.
JB: Talking a suburban mom down to $10 (from $20) for a pristine Roland Juno 6 with my ruthless garage saling Uncle.
JW:Realizing the excercise bike has a giant stain on the seat after buying it.

Ken He Jog:
Laughing so hard you actually piss yourself.


son of rank: the kenny

stackmatic wrote:
Mr. Chimp wrote:Kennelly-Heaviside layer (cannot resist):

A horny, freshly transsexualized Whoopi Goldberg stuffed into the glove box, with one, maybe two extra cocks.

just better = a horny, freshly transsexualized Flavor Flav stuffed into the glove box, with one, maybe two extra clocks


son of rank: the kenny

chimp, i didn't want to post it there, but i did want to say that you did an admirable job of killing the bitches and hos thread

>>Laughing so hard you actually piss yourself.

j.b. there's a lady who cleans your house for you, which is great, but she seems to have found your stash of pornography

j.w. you are watching parts of a member of the opposite sex so intently that you walk into a parking meter



knowing kobe bryant is an amazing basketball player, admiring his guts and skill, suspecting that he may not be guilty of rape, but still disliking him almost to the point of hatred

son of rank: the kenny

tmidgett wrote:chimp, i didn't want to post it there, but i did want to say that you did an admirable job of killing the bitches and hos thread

>>Laughing so hard you actually piss yourself.

j.b. there's a lady who cleans your house for you, which is great, but she seems to have found your stash of pornography

j.w. you are watching parts of a member of the opposite sex so intently that you walk into a parking meter

She is so good this Kenny! Bravo Tmidgett! Bravo! I do your Kenny:
knowing kobe bryant is an amazing basketball player, admiring his guts and skill, suspecting that he may not be guilty of rape, but still disliking him almost to the point of hatred

JW: being pretty sure OJ Simpson nearly cut the heads off two people, but being glad he got off because the case made law-enforcement-supplied evidence subject to the same scrutiny as defense-supplied evidence, and that will probably mean fewer wrongful convictions down the road.

JB: Being pretty sure Barry Bonds is 40 percent steroid-or-HGH-induced synthetic muscle mass and thinking that it makes no difference whatever in my appreciation of his stroke and eye and more power to the man. He is unique.

Now to Kenny:
Being on the phone with someone you admire and don't want to be embarrassed in-front-of, but having to take a code blue dump.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

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