Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:37 am
Sly Bug wrote:to accept that you will have only 5 weeks of holidays each year
4 in England.
Sly Bug wrote:to accept that you will have only 5 weeks of holidays each year
Sly Bug wrote:Dindon Shazwan wrote:gjhardwick wrote:once i graduated, i spent three months on the dole playing pool in the local pub.
See, that's what I was saying. GRADUATING IS COOL MAN.
To find a job quickly after graduating because you have no money, la rigidité du monde du travail, to accept that you will have only 5 weeks of holidays each year whereas you had more than the triple at university, less cool.
Quelle licence passes tu?
Nico Adie wrote:tipcat wrote:Nico Adie wrote:I received my final year results from university. Got a 2:1.
What does that mean?
It means my final year grades, as well as some of my grades from third year, when averaged, work out at between 60-70%.
For the record, I averaged 65.7.
A first means averaging over 70% and a 2:2 means averaging between 50-60%. A third means averaging between 40-50%.
These classifications, as far as I'm aware, only apply to Honours degress.
ant man bee wrote:All night it was diving me crazy who he reminded me of...but it is an actor (perhaps English or Irish). Take a look:
Dindon Shazwan wrote:Lettres modernes... J'ai bien reussi mes deux premieres annees mais en fin de compte etudier pour ma troisieme annee depuis un pays etranger, bosser en meme temps puis me faire virer de ma maison et mon boulot, c'etait pas une si bonne idee et ca m'a pas aidee on va dire.
Je sais pas quoi faire en plus, si je rate je ressaie ou pas? En plus j'ai pas fait ma demande de bourses donc je les aurais pas. Enfin c'est la galere quoi... J'aurais du rester en France un an de plus et finir proprement les choses avant de partir mais voila, ca m'apprendra a vouloir faire la maline
gjhardwick wrote:once i graduated, i spent three months on the dole playing pool in the local pub.
Sly Bug wrote:Dindon Shazwan wrote:gjhardwick wrote:once i graduated, i spent three months on the dole playing pool in the local pub.
See, that's what I was saying. GRADUATING IS COOL MAN.
To find a job quickly after graduating because you have no money, la rigidité du monde du travail, to accept that you will have only 5 weeks of holidays each year whereas you had more than the triple at university, less cool.
Quelle licence passes tu?