Little details from your day

Someone just sent me an email about a journal that was stolen from me two years ago.

Apparently someone ditched it on the ground when it was stolen along with my backpack.

I can't believe this. I basically stopped journaling because my giant journal was gone.

It has old dreams, chord changes, lyrics, writing exercises, specifically detailed

Additionally, it traced my growth as a musician and a person...I think it goes back as far as 2004. Fucking aye.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Little details from your day

I was catching a ride home from practice just now with my singer...we were driving down addison toward the popeye's on western I was half paying attention, I pointed and said 'Look, they have a dude dressed in a chicken suit out front..that job has to suck, it's hot as fuck out'
he starts laughing and says 'dude, that's a fat chick in a yellow dress'
sure enough we get up there and it was a fat chick in a yellow dress waiting for the bus.

By the way I haven't been able to do the ex lax thing yet, still looking for my opening.
I am fully commited to it.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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