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This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:55 am
by simmo_Archive
Interesting post Bebio, cheers.

bebio wrote:I hope UK folks don't believe everything that they're told about Portuguese from the media.
I suspect that the truth might never be known, but it would be a shame if people from both countries started to forge misconceptions about each other because of this incident.

I'm afraid that there are many very stupid people here in England who probably are being influenced by the ridiculous, xenophobic coverage being spouted by papers like The Scum and The Daily Bile. In fact, as you can see the latter is running a thinly-veiled anti-Portugese article as the main story on its website. It's pathetic and depressing and shameful.

But don't worry too much - anyone with even the slightest intelligence rises above this bullshit.

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:00 am
by bebio_Archive
I was reading your post, and thinking: I never heard about a newspaper called "the scum"? or "the daily bile"? must be some small circulation tabloids...

And then I clicked on the links, and I couldn't help laughing out loud!
It really hadn't occured to me the real names!
I'm still laughing as I write this...
thanks man, I really needed some good humor, I worked all night and I feel quite tired.

I read a bit of the "daily bile" haha...
didn't affect me since I was in quite the good spirits.

Actually, some portuguese tabloids have silly names, "O Diabo" comes to mind... (it literally means "The Devil")...

back to topic, the mom is assumed to be the guilty party, apparently because the traces of blood/dna/corpse scent or whatever those dogs sniffed was also found in one of the mom's clothes...

As for the "you are both accused and on trial until one of you confesses", I remember one in which that happened, but I don't think it is by any means a recurrent situation in portugal.

And I will allow myself to be a bit sarcastic, and say that the "arguido" status is the essencial step for a criminal to get away with murder.
I might not be exaggerating when I say that almost every rich person that has been given "arguido" status, has gotten away free without a scratch...
it's a ridiculous situation, but it's true....

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:54 am
by simmo_Archive
The Scum is running a mind-blowing story about the McCanns selling the film rights to their story today. Bearing in mind the source, I guess it's best to be skeptical... surely they wouldn't... would they?

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:52 pm
by big_dave_Archive