son of rank: the kenny

steve wrote:Now to Kenny:
Being on the phone with someone you admire and don't want to be embarrassed in-front-of, but having to take a code blue dump.

just better: being behind said person in line at the bookstore, you w/ an armload (sorry) of pornography

just worse: running into a member of yr favorite band a show or party and you are wearing their band's t-shirt

now kenny:

ronald reagan on the 10 dollar bill

son of rank: the kenny

my company, she is to move friday, and i am already packed!!! so to look busy i stay on this site, which is nominally affiliated with audio!

Being on the phone with someone you admire and don't want to be embarrassed in-front-of, but having to take a code blue dump.

j.b. boner at the pool, but you're underwater so it's no big deal

j.w. everyone knows you wear a wig, but you like to pretend they do not. when you come home after a long day at work, you find it has moved slightly but unmistakably off-center.


visiting the grand canyon and yelling 'yodel-odel-ay-ee-ooh' through your cupped hands

son of rank: the kenny

tmidgett wrote:kennY!?!?!

visiting the grand canyon and yelling 'yodel-odel-ay-ee-ooh' through your cupped hands

JB: Randomly quoting "Raising Arizona" at a baby shower.
JW: Yelling "free bird" at a concert.


Sudenly realizing that you've been listening to Sonic Youth on-and-off for 20 years.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

son of rank: the kenny

gcbv wrote:Suddenly realizing that you've been listening to Sonic Youth on-and-off for 20 years.

Just Better: Suddenly realizing that Sonic Youth has been releasing records for 20 years, but that you quit buying them about 15 years ago.
Just Worse: Possessing fond memories of shopping in a Woolworth's five-and-dime store.

Kenny: Reading "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer, and then imagining yourself quite the potential alpinist/mountaineer as you ascend a small staircase.

son of rank: the kenny

Just Better: Suddenly realizing that Sonic Youth has been releasing records for 20 years, but that you quit buying them about 15 years ago.

HAHA! this happened to me IMMEDIATELY BEFORE i read this. immediately. i realized they had a new album, wondered if it might be good, and realized i had not bought a record since _dirty_. which was only 12yrs ago, but still. excellent.

Kenny: Reading "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer, and then imagining yourself quite the potential alpinist/mountaineer as you ascend a small staircase.

j.b. watching _touching the void_ and basically feeling like you are schlepping down the mountain with the guy, albeit w/o the hideously fractured leg, frostbite, urine-soaked undergarments, and severe dehydration.

j.w. watching tim wakefield humiliate somebody and immediately thereafter practicing your knuckleball windup in the kitchen

ronald reagan on the $10 bill

j.b. not to celebrate, but ronald reagan in the grave is marginally better

j.w. making poor people participate in cable-access reality television shows to earn their monthly allotment of food stamps


sneaking into _back to the future II_ ten times during a single summer, whilst high

son of rank: the kenny

Kenny: Reading "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer, and then imagining yourself quite the potential alpinist/mountaineer as you ascend a small staircase.

j.b. hang gliding

j.w. opening up your little brother's chest cavity to assist with your
high school anatomy studies.

finding, what you believe to be is, jesus on a frost-covered fudgsicle (tm)

son of rank: the kenny

tmidgett wrote:Just sneaking into _back to the future II_ ten times during a single summer, whilst high

Just Better: Being a hot shot teenage Hollywood movie producer and hiring the Parkinson's-afflicted Michael J. Fox to star in "Back to the Future IV", but only so that you and your buddies can get stoned and snicker at Mr. Fox's various ticks and contortions while you view the dailies.
Just Worse: Thinking that you have returned your rental copy of "Teen Wolf" to the local video store, but then returning home and discovering that missing from your video shelves is your copy of "Teen Fisting 8".

brian wrote:finding, what you believe to be is, jesus on a frost-covered fudgsicle (tm)

Just Better: Finding what you believe to be Mr. Mittens, your neighbor's cat, on the gyro spit of a Greektown restaurant.
Just Worse: Finding what you believe to be Hall of Famer Ted Williams in a chunk of "blue ice" that fell from a 737 that just passed overhead.

Kenny: Nell Carter, Olympics 10m platform diving champion

son of rank: the kenny

Nell Carter, Olympics 10m platform diving champion

Just Better: Sammy Sosa, Olympics 10m platform diving champion
Just Worse: Meatloaf diving. naked. or is that better?

Just sneaking into _back to the future II_ ten times during a single summer, whilst high

Just better:Sneaking into back to the future II and finding out its Teen Fistings 8, whilst high
Just worse: being forced to watch Days of our Lives 10 times, whilst not high
Kenny: making out with a hot chic and getting naked finding out she's a he
Chris Hardings
More implosion lest I need, no wait, karowack need imposter

A Strange Film - Rence or Ramos (ignore)

son of rank: the kenny

Chris Hardings wrote:Kenny: making out with a hot chic and getting naked finding out she's a he

JB: Making yourself look hot and chic

JW: Hearing the line, "Ever seen The Crying Game?" from the individual you just woke up next to, but can't remember meeting from the night before


Talking to a colleague at a urinal and letting a sneaky rasper slip out.

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