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Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:37 pm
by kerble_Archive
yesterday, I got to throw a pair of pliers through some windows of our garage because it's coming down tomorrow.


two days prior, I was parking to meet m'lady and a friend of ours after work. I heard a HUGE bumping stereo coming up behind me. as I got out of the car, I realized it was just a kid on a bike pulling a two wheeled cart with a 20" speaker on the back of it.

just pedaling and bumping, bumping and pedaling.

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:38 pm
by galanter_Archive
I just ordered a pair of Tater Mitts™ at a reduced price. Whoo-Hoo! ... etail.html

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:38 pm
by burun_Archive
kerble wrote:two days prior, I was parking to meet m'lady and a friend of ours after work. I heard a HUGE bumping stereo coming up behind me. as I got out of the car, I realized it was just a kid on a bike pulling a two wheeled cart with a 20" speaker on the back of it.

just pedaling and bumping, bumping and pedaling.

That is amazing. I wish I had seen that.

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:01 pm
by galanter_Archive
I've had this boss who insists that "the customer is always right."

I then remind him that (1) customers often contradict each other (so they can't all be right) (2) if we did everything a customer ever requested or suggested we would quickly be out of business and (3) if the customer was always right they would be able to enter our industry and eat our lunch...but they never do.

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:10 pm
by daniel robert chapman_Archive
BadComrade wrote:with his chill, "I'm a Phish fan" demeanor

I enjoyed this, and all of it.

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:28 pm
by daniel robert chapman_Archive
BadComrade wrote:I've got a few stories. Some other observations can be found in this thread as well.

I'm going to treat those as required reading for this week. Cheers!

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:31 pm
by GypsumFantastic_Archive
I was talking to a friend in the pub last night and he told me that in a past incarnation he was a kamikaze pilot in a space craft in the future.

He was serious

The C.I.A are phoning him up as well as it happens.


Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:54 pm
by daniel robert chapman_Archive
BadComrade wrote:This one is great.

Cross your fingers for good weather in Leeds this week. After reading that post, I want to print that thread out and take into the park on my lunchbreak.

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:01 pm
by night_tools_Archive
daniel robert chapman wrote:
BadComrade wrote:This one is great.

Cross your fingers for good weather in Leeds this week. After reading that post, I want to print that thread out and take into the park on my lunchbreak.

I just stayed up past my bedtime reading that whole thread. So great!
I reckon it's about time for a revival....

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:00 pm
by burun_Archive
I saw Ratatouille, and it was really, really good.

I highly recommend it, especially if you like

a) rats
b) food
c) "foodie" culture
d) all of the above

It also contains one of the most "adult" lines I have ever heard in a "kids" movie, but none of the kids I saw it with got it.