Little details from your day

so I have talked about how I can fly anywhere I want for free anytime I want and all that.
Today I learned that my company has finally made a deal with United, and my family and I can now fly on United for 90% off. A 1000 dollar ticket to Tokyo will cost me 100 bucks.
This was the final piece of the puzzle I've been waiting on.
Before it was kind of a pain to fly international, not really a pain but there was paperwork involved that had to be approved ahead of time and all that....domestic I just walk up and flash my badge, easy as pie but international was not so easy.
With this new deal I just walk up and pay and go.
Life just got a whole lot more awesome for me.
I think I'd like to pet a kangaroo.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

Josef K wrote:Partick, eh? I went past the hallowed ground of Firhill last night. I play football at Glasgow Uni's sport ground on Garscube road.

Ha ha! My double bluff worked! Well, nobody stole my 'house full of garbage' while I was at B&Q, so I've fitted a new lock, and then I went to the pub.

I forgot to mention earlier, that I had a session of 'spiritual healing' earlier in the day, and even though I'm not a great believer in that sort of thing, I did it with an open mind, and I've been feeling really great this afternoon and evening!
Especially when I was standing in the evening sunshine waiting for the bus, listening to USS Horsewhip. Salut! Horsewhip and your ex band.

Edit: I forgot to say, there was no queue at the hardware store and I caught a bus home almost immediately. It's fair to say that there was no yaledelay.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

Little details from your day

Aaaaaaaaaah I did it already -

My oldest friend phoned up last night to say that her band's electro cover of 'Rasputin' was in trouble due to a late drop out and could I help: tonight was a wonderful testemant to the fact that a soundcheck rehearsal mixed with exactly the right amount of boozey confidence can make for a great, great thing -

Obviously I have no perspective on this thing but the fact that all through the following band people who know me, but didn't know I was doing this, told me it was good; plus the fact that it felt like it was good; makes me think that it was good.

I only wish I didn't have to work tomorrow so I could after party like the rest are; I have to make do with a last can, a read and write on EA; and suffering to wake early the morrow.

Ra, ra, Rasputin.
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month

Little details from your day

Details from the last 24 hours:

I ate Ethiopian food.

I ate half a cannoli and had a gelato affogato (I think that is what it is called) at Ferrara. Mmmm gelato and espresso.

A group of EA posters discussed, briefly, who the hottest EA boy is.

I went to B&H to buy some rollfilm. Plus-X, if you must know.

I got texted a picture of a cab driver's nameplate, which indicated his first name was "Dilder." Dilder!
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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