the city of brotherly love

Total votes: 5 (24%)
not crap
Total votes: 16 (76%)
Total votes: 21

city: philadelphia

madlee wrote:
Skuldt wrote:Aw, man! Am I banned from Philly, or from this thread, now?

First the Dolly Madison dessert factory, and now this. It's not my fault I think worms are delicious. Sucka can't get a break.

anyone with enough balls to move away from the crowd with a free mumia sign, is a philly person.

I don't know enough about the mumia thing to say anything about it. all I know is that some people here have very strong feelings about it.

The wall at Geno's?
"That man is a head taller than me.

...That may change."


city: philadelphia

madlee wrote:anyone with enough balls to move away from the crowd with a free mumia sign, is a philly person.

I don't know enough about the mumia thing to say anything about it. all I know is that some people here have very strong feelings about it.

Thanks, I appreciate that.

Although technically, the sign I was carrying, which a friend had made, actually said, "STOP GOV. RIDGE BEFORE HE KILLS AGAIN!"

And I think I'm with you on the point that the details are hazy and it's hard to speak definitively about it.

So, anyway, that's why I was out there... seems pretty rough to execute somebody when the facts are in dispute. That's about it. Seemed worth a day trip to the lovely region of Broad and Spring Garden, to me.

city: philadelphia

carpe_diaz wrote:one big assed brooklyn.

what are the goats doing now.

not crap for the goats and the roots

too drunk to read previous posts

In many ways, wu-tang is more philadelphia in style than nyc.

I don't know about the city being brooklyn. that's the weird angle that the city is only urban outfitters and williamsburg types. one thing is true, it's the most segregated city I've ever lived in.
m.koren wrote:Fuck, I knew it. You're a Blues Lawyer.

city: philadelphia

madlee wrote:
6. the first gangster rap song came from philly (psk what does that mean?)

Are you asking? Park Side Killers.

carpe_diaz wrote:what are the goats doing now.

Are you asking? Oatie and Swayzack (or Madd) are backing some singer songwriter lady from florida. the other of the three went flaky and vanished.
kerble is right.

city: philadelphia

I asked this old dude I work with...he's been working for the airlines for 30 years so he has traveled to and fucked women in pretty much every city on the face of the Earth several times....I asked him where I should go on a trip next week, I said 'Is philly any good?'
he says 'Philly? Full of assholes'
so gotta go CRAP he hasn't been wrong so far
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

city: philadelphia

I like Philly, but I would never want to live there. I've seen enough in Baltimore.

Baltimore, as Philly's next door neighbor is equally as dirty, litterstrewn and post industrial. But Philly seems to have MUCH more cool shit going on even if your homeless, aggressive and truly crazy people walking around in broad daylight are of a much higher percentage than anywhere else on the East coast.

Why is it that Baltimorons and Philthydephians are so averse to using garbage cans and actually throwing things out into a receptacle? Your streets look really shitty with trash and dead pigeons stuck in sewer grates.

I nominate Philly for a pressure washing.


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