Breakfast Burrito

Fuck you and the tortilla you rode in on, I just want my damned eggs.
Total votes: 3 (16%)
You need to wrap that shit up, b!
Total votes: 14 (74%)
Forget the food, I just like the Chappelle's Show reference above.
Total votes: 2 (11%)
Total votes: 19

Merging of cultures: the breakfast burrito.

Tree wrote:What in the name of Barry....who the hell eats a breakfast burrito with a knife and fork?

Trust me, if I'd tried to bring that whole thing to my mouth with my hands I likely would've missed my face altogether. Much better to bring small pieces of it up at a time. I reiterate that we had just stumbled drunkenly out of a stripclub.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Merging of cultures: the breakfast burrito.

I eat a homemade breakfast burrito at least 4 times a week, sometimes I use a pita instead of a tortilla, I'm not sure if that'd still be considered a burrito but it's damn good.
Eggs, crumpled turkey sausage or bacon or burger or chili, tons of cheese and beans, corn, rice, fried potatoes, sour cream, salsa.
That's breakfast and lunch right there.
Last edited by Marsupialized_Archive on Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Merging of cultures: the breakfast burrito.

Lazybones wrote:Speaking of potatoes, I have finally learned the secret of great fried potatoes: fry them twice. The first time to cook them through at a lower temp, and the second time to make them taters nice and crispy at high temp.

On a recent episode of America's Test Kitchen, they microwaved the potatoes before going into a skillet for a fast and tasty potatoes lyonnaise. The idea is just to get them cooked on the inside before dealing with the texture and flavor of the outside.

I've tried it since, and it does get the job done.

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