Pickup Lines

I was sitting on the train the other day zoning out, across from me is a really attractive girl and a bunch of nerdy guys.
After a few seconds one of the nerdy guys turns to the hot girl and says 'Did you know Lorena Bobbit died today?'
The hot girl just looked down at the ground and ignored him. He said 'yeah, a car accident' She ignored him again. The guy just turned around really quick and that was the end of it.
That was the sorriest thing I've seen in years.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pickup Lines

mattw wrote:-You look hurt. Are you OK?

-Yes. Why?

-Oh, just wondering. The fall from heaven must be rough.

If I was a chick and some guy used this sad old line on me (what is this from, the 30's?!) I would counter with something like, "So angels can't fly then?" or "I'm getting mixed signals from you... are you saying you think I'm an angel, or mortal?". Or maybe just stare at him and fart as loud as I could. That would be cool, too.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

Pickup Lines

scott wrote:If I was a chick and some guy used this sad old line on me.... maybe just stare at him and fart as loud as I could.

I think most of these merit this most excellent proposed response.
I hope the stars align one day and provide me with the opportunity, courage and proper quantity of methane to enact this plan.

Cary Grant movies, fellas. All the tricks you'll ever need.
Last edited by itchy mcgoo_Archive on Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Pickup Lines

a drunken friend in a club had a great pickup line one night. he pulled his cock out through the zipper bit and then walked up to girls and asked if they liked his new shoes. fuck knows how he never got kicked out.
I can't stop thinking about Kirk Douglas. Do you know him?
It's another year. Will we meet? Please say yes.

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