dabrasha wrote:I have lost all my Soundgarden tapes and albums and feel no need to replace them.
I loaned a friend UltramegaOK and Louder Than Love,
years ago and he later claimed to have given them back when actually he never did.
I bought UltramegaOK on cassette at a store in Missouri last summer, and listened to it a bunch of times since then. I like some of the songs on that album very, very, very much. I am glad I replaced it. And I also look forward to replacing Louder Than Love, which I really liked back in highschool and college.
dabrasha wrote:Stellar then, crap now. Growing old sucks.
Growing old does not suck! I am sad for you if you really think that it does!
"The bastards have landed"
www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album