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Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:33 pm
by ctrl-s_Archive
connor wrote:I read a lot of fiction manuscripts. The DFW devotees have the following in common:

-their stories are chock full of lush and serpentine prose: highly stylized, approaching virtuosic
-footnotes and semi-colons galore
-sporadic political rantings
-strictly interior conflicts (angsty juvenilia)
-snipes at other people in the workshop
-nu-metal lyrics
-NIN lyrics

Sob. Sorry to hear it. Please don't blame DFW.

Who loves Oblivion? I changed my opinion about it last fall. "Good Old Neon" is amazing. Great new story in the New Yorker a couple weeks ago too.

I wrote:he is not unattractive, for a wordy neurotic motherfucker

I retract this, faint praise though it was to begin with. Based on photos from some literary event in Italy last year he is neither especially attractive nor unattractive; my head would not turn; still he is the present-day NOT CRAP writer nonpareil, to me. Also he smokes.

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:35 pm
by Angus Jung
ctrl-s wrote:he is the NOT CRAP writer nonpareil.

I understand that you're a fan, but this is a nutty statement. It's nutty.

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:43 pm
by ctrl-s_Archive
Right. See my edit. I added "present-day" and "to me."

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:42 am
by Paul Kemp_Archive
He's defintely not fugly. I like his look, personally... ... allace.jpg

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:34 am
by A Totem Pole_Archive
Yeah, "Good Old Neon" is fantastic. Oblivion on a whole is great. I just picked up Consider The Lobster from the library the other day, I'm sure it'll satisfy.

I haven't finished Infinite Jest, which is a shame since I've had it for a few months and it seems to be worth the effort.

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:06 pm
by ctrl-s_Archive
Paul Kemp wrote:He's defintely not fugly. I like his look, personally...

No, not fugly, but that's a flattering, eleven-year-old photo.

Dave Eggers' foreword to the new edition of Infinite Jest bugs the hell out of me:

Eggers wrote:If we are drawn to Infinite Jest, we're also drawn to the Magnetic Fields' 69 Songs, for which Stephin Merritt wrote that many songs [...] And we're drawn to the 10,000 paintings of folk artist Howard Finster. Or the work of Sufjan Stevens...

"We" are not drawn to those other things at all.

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:20 pm
by the Classical_Archive
Eggers can eat a bag.

DFW is not crap

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:39 pm
by ctrl-s_Archive
the Classical wrote:Eggers can eat a bag.

A large bag. Hee.

Angus Jung wrote:Back in the 80's there was a spoken word/art guy in Phoenix named Dr. Michael Pemulis. [...] I'm on to you, foot-notes guy.

Hmm. I believe Wallace got his MFA from the U of Arizona in the 80s; and I vaguely recall some minor flap about the name of a character in Infinite Jest, Kate Gompert, matching that of a real person, a tennis player. And Otis P. Lord, the Eschaton game-master who winds up with a Hitachi monitor on his head, was also the name of a correspondent of Emily Dickinson's. There are a few other little nomenclatural Easter eggs like that in IJ but that's all I remember right now. Anyway, we ARE onto you, footnotes guy.

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:41 pm
by burun_Archive
ctrl-s wrote:
Paul Kemp wrote:He's defintely not fugly. I like his look, personally...

No, not fugly, but that's a flattering, eleven-year-old photo.

Where he looks scarily like Mark Linkous.

Author: David Foster Wallace

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:50 pm
by ctrl-s_Archive
The Sparklehorse guy? Yeah, I see the resemblance in that one DFW photo, though I wouldn't quite say "scarily."