distortion pedals?

endofanera wrote:
Nico Adie wrote:1 Effector 13 Truly Beautiful Disaster

How do you like this, or more precisely, what do you use it for? I have heard good things.

I use it for creating really disgusting and abrasive fuzz sounds. I also use the feedback loop on it with the "eye". It's really great. You can play pedals in the feedback loop using a combination of the volume/tone controls on your guitar and the eye on the pedal.

It is a very unique pedal. I find it hard to describe what it can do, because there are so many possibilities depending on what pedals you have in the feedback loop.

Find one and try it. Make sure you have some pedals to put in the feedback loop to see the potential of it.

ps - you can make it sound like a Geiger counter.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

distortion pedals?

Lazybones wrote:I use a Fulltone Fulldrive 2. It works well for boost and coloration.

This is my favourtie distortion pedal too.

Humphrey, come round my place some time. I'll give you a $100 strat copy starter guitar and a peavey amp, then I challenge you to blow me away.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


distortion pedals?

Still using my TS - 808 and the Fuzz Factory - 7 months on!

Well, the Fuzz Factory was updated. It now has a little green light so I know it's on (as if you can't tell it's on-Skwaaackchchchssstck!).

This box has also been gittin' a workout.


This is a rare pre-Chuck Collins Harmonic Percolator clone.
NFS, dammit.

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