Drum Machines

Total votes: 9 (13%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 60 (87%)
Total votes: 69

Item: Drum Machine

100% not crap, they allow people who cant find a good drummer to make demos.

QOTSA couldnt even keep their best drummer, if a mega bucks band like QOTSA can't keep their drummer, Joe Indie Band[X09] certainly can't.

Drum machines are fun for the kids! While real drums sound a bazillion times better, better isnt always better.

In fact better is the new black this fashion fall.

Item: Drum Machine

So, ok.
Real drummer has to learn the songs, be cool, show up to practice, show up to shows, haul his drums around, set the drums up....etc...
Drum machine does what it is told perfectly every time.
Drum machine takes 3 seconds to plug into PA and he's ready to go.
Drum machine is not interested in his cut of the money and drum machine does not bring horrible dumb women around to waste everyone's time.
I'll never play in a band with a real drummer if I can help it.
I would have relations with my drum machine sampling machine if it asked.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Item: Drum Machine

Fuck you all. Real drummers are where it's at. You want personality? Get a drummer. You want Dream Theater? Get a fucking drum machine. Yeah, a drummer wants his cut...he's the hardest working member of any band. I'm guessing you cocks would be anti-union & pro big-box, too. You want perfection? What...do you also fuck to a metronome? Eat shit.

of course, I AM a drummer, so i'm a little biased! :wink:

Item: Drum Machine

Due to my lack of finding anyone either sane or competent to play drums who is not in a band in Melbourne, I use Native Instruments Battery to sequence drums. I'm not a drummer and the beats are shit but it's the closest I've ever heard to a real drummer in the digital world. They are all real drum samples anyway.

I was talking to the drummer of Fear Factory the other week and even though he plays drums live, the "shell" drums are mostly triggered samples using Battery. As far as i've heard, a lot of metal bands do this now. So when you hear a Machine Head album for instance, it's theoretically a drum machine. But triggered by the real drum kit.

Drum machines can be good. It's like anything. It's how you use them. Prince's early stuff wouldn't be the same without drum machines.

Item: Drum Machine

Shotgun-Charlie wrote:
mrdfnle wrote:on a completely different tangent:

Q: How can you tell the stage is level?
A: The drummer has drool coming from both sides of his mouth.'

There's another one but i don't remember.

Was it this one?

Q: Why do drummers leave their sticks on the dashboard?
A: So they can park in the handicapped spaces.

Ty Webb wrote:I hope the little-known 8th dwarf, Chinky, is on that list.

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