It's been a long time since I did any kinda update! Yeow!
I've been quite remiss in taking new pics, and only have a few recent ones, none of which are on the net yet.
But here's the scoop, for anyone who's keeping track...
Luke and Bear live in my new apartment with me, and I do love them so! They love each other so much, too, always playing and cleaning each other and sleeping together and such. It warms my heart daily. They enjoy playing with bottlecaps, shoelaces, and Luke in particular is cute as crud when he runs around the apartment with a handbill or something similar in his mouth.
Although I must admit, I'm learning new anger management skills, with their penchant for spilling cups of water, climbing inside open-back speaker cabs, climbing up the screens in the windows, and the worst of all, thinking that a potted tree in the living room is a great toilet.
Squeaker and Cow have been living on the farm where my lady works for a good few weeks now. They have since been renamed, by the kids who live there, as Katie and Toby, respectively. Last I heard, Toby was really into getting scared and climbing up trees. From what I hear, they have socialized themselves a bit with the other cats that live there, though only a bit, and it took a while.
Junior and Momma are still living at the lady's apartment, and spending much time alone since she's up here all the time now. They get along really, really well, and are best friends, and even play-fight with each other which is funny cause of the drastic size mismatch. They're on
Craigslist right now, and there's a woman interested in taking both of them; it sounds quite promising, and we have our fingers crossed! Keeping them together would be really great.
I'll probably have some pics up at some point.