nihil wrote:
I get very frustrated as well. And the word "seduced" is very accurate. I know people who are intelligent and realize, on a gut level I think, that they can't trust the official doctrine.
Man oh man... what if intelligent people realize on a gut level that they can't trust the official doctrine, and they respond to that gut feeling by trying to explain to their own brain why they can't trust it? Okay, I'm excited now, I feel on the verge of learning something...
nihil wrote:But, and this sounds harsh, I think they are too lazy or not interested enough to study history and make an effort to understand the very complex world we live in.
Shit, I knew it! They're those damn
lazy intelligent people who didn't come by their intelligence by hard work and education! They're the kind of intelligent people who can't understand the complex world we live in. Maybe they should donate their guts to science before they die, because they can't be trusted with gut feelings?
Now I don't know where this is going; I'll keep reading...
nihil wrote:So, they seem to gravitate towards an easy and sensationalistic answer that seems to satisfy them because it feels rebellious and dramatic.
Or because it correllates with evidence that they've found using their intelligence and their gut instincts?
I remember when I first decided that the official account of 9/11 didn't adequately explain for me what I saw that day.
I remember how I couldn't wait for 9/11 to come up again in conversation with my friends or co-workers, when I would have the choice of either silence, a lie that I still believed the official story, or I could say "Hey, I know I'll sound like a
nut, but I have these theories about US gov't complicity that you really ought to hear, and once you get past the reflex response to call me crazy and commit to spending the same endless number of hours reading everything at these URL's I'll provide for you, there's a slim chance that you might not hate me for saying our own gov't attacked us".
Yeah, I gravitated right to that easy sensationalistic answer. Couldn't wait to be ostracized!
Thankfully, I don't think I lost any friends when I chose that path, but then, I run with a cool and tolerant group.
nihil wrote:I do not claim to understand the world, it's a process.
But you claim to understand it well enough to know that conspiracy theories have no place in it?
nihil wrote: The answers that you do find make sense, but are far from dramatic.
Do you accept that there are answers that you
don't find?
nihil wrote:Regarding 9/11, it took me a few seconds to come to the conclusion that all of the "theories" are bullshit. How many people would it have involved?
That is the laziest way to refute a conspiracy theory. How many do you think had to know the full scale of 9/11 to facilitate it is a better question.
Everybody involved in a crime like that is on a need to know basis, and many of those who aid the plot are just doing their job, and never know they were part of anything; maybe their job was altered to a very small degree by their boss or their commanding officer.
Alone, they're nothing, but when the generals move them all together, the wheels turn, but if you're part of the wheel, you're not even aware that you're turning in a suspicious direction.
The biggest threat to exposure of the 9/11 conspiracy is the video from the cameras around the Pentagon. They can't say that none exists, and they can't say that the five frames released is all they have, but apparently, they will continue to stonewall. Five years later, we don't see it. They can squash all the theories about the missile or the A3 hitting the building- why don't they?
nihil wrote:Too many for the government to understand that the odds that someone would leak...would definitely not be worth the scandal that would surely ruin their narrow hold on power.
A leak is only effective if people are willing to hear it. How many people who may know have enough instant credibility with the American people that they would immediately be put front and center on network TV and the world would stop while he leaked to us?
It's a very short list, and that person would unquestionably be risking his life from the moment he began his defection, because if, for example, Colin Powell could leak this story, it would mean the end of the US Government, and if the citizenry survived that shock, it could mean the end of the military industrial complex that owns the US gov't, if drastic measures weren't implemented immediately.
The story of 9/11 laid out by someone in an obvious position to know could spark revolution. If you're Colin Powell, do you want to light that fuse?
nihil wrote:Besides, look at the sources...especially on the internet. The websites have the exact same layouts/graphics/fonts of all those women out there that devote their lives to writing poems about their cats.
Dumb and irrelevant. Let's go back to measuring the veracity of the Loose Change documentary by criticizing the soundtrack.
nihil wrote:I would also like to say that these conspiracy theories are a nightmare for organizers on the left,
I can see why, because many conspiracy theories lay bare the fraud of right and left being opposing forces. When it comes to the rudder of the American economy, the direction never changes no matter whose hands are allegedly on it. The only organizing that needs to be done is organizing the controlled to resist the controllers, the lower classes vs. the elite.
The ideology of the left is a fantasy until the leaders tell progressives the really bad news: you ain't never getting back what you're owed unless you're willing to use everything at your disposal to take it back, including possibly your life.
It's not some fucking game.
Keep voting, but don't get your hopes up; the rules do not favor you.
Otherwise, pay your taxes, buy your cheap Chinese shit and watch your television as GM eats your pension- you are owned like a dog. Go fuck something if you can, look at your porn, sneak some drugs into your system, there is still fun to be had if you watch your step, but don't go asking for a fair economy to go with your fun, because you're not getting it.
nihil wrote:and a wet dream for the government because they create a diversion from the very real ugliness that is taking place. Anybody who is serious will agree that the war in Iraq is illegal and disgusting.
Yeah, it is disgusting, and the road to that war was paved with lies. Glad you agree that the gov't doesn't always tell you the truth. And people leaked the early pre-9/11 planning, people like Paul O'Neill and Richard Clarke; you know, they kind of exposed a conspiracy, didn't they?
nihil wrote:Focus on that. Who cares if Hitler is still alive and is dressing up as Santa Clause at the local mall.
Conspiracy Theories......CRAP!!!!
Okay, you focus on that. But if the day comes when you have to use a conspiracy theory to explain some event, you might be rusty if you shut that part of your brain down.