gjhardwick wrote:hmmm, doubt it
if i'm visiting the states at any point it'll be to visit New York!
New York is overfuckingrated. Chicago is way cooler. honestly. the Chicago Art Institute is much less pretentious and much more comprehensive than any of the museums in New York, the shoreline is nicer, and Wrigleyville kicks Greenwich Villiage's pretentious acoustic-guitar-loving ass.
(actually, i'm not sure if that area is technically Wrigleyville, as i dont' know my neighborhoods too well. the area with the Bottom Lounge is where i'm thinking.)
Plus there's the botanical gardens, Wrigley Field (and--scoff--U.S. Cellular field, which physically i love, i just hate the name), and all sorts of other cool shit i can't think of off the top of my head.
anyway, go to Chicago.
also, i like the idea of having an EA forum meeting. maybe not, like, "we'll meet at the Cubby Bear and head over to the show" or anything, but it'd be fun to, at some point that weekend, have a designated meetandgreet/party/something. i'd go.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.