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how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:54 pm
by alex maiolo_Archive
Stupid rare.
Local health dept. refers to it as "Russian Roulette" rare.
When I visited France, I learned that they call it "bleu" when it's that rare.
As in "bruised and bloody'blue'?"
Yeah, that'll do, mon frere.
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:29 am
by nihil_Archive
steve wrote:Ghoulishly rare. I usually say something like "Don't even cook it. Just embarrass it."
My dad used to say "Chase it 'round the fire once and shoot it."
The french say "Au bleu." You could say "Cold in the middle."
This....she makes the funny to me.
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:25 am
by atlantic_Archive
I really enjoy steak, but i cant eat it with out getting a horrible case of the squits about an hour later. No food have come across makes me as sick as steak does... its very strange. I can eat all other Beef and it doesn't happen... anyone here know why i can eat other beef and not get a terrible case of the squits, but if i eat steak i have to spend the rest of the day in the shitter suffering through some of the worst stomach pains i have ever experienced?
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:42 am
by rocker654_Archive
Burnt. So dry, it makes you cough.
No sauces, no sickness.
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:20 am
by Plantweed_Archive
Medium well. For over five years I art directed medical textbooks. Medium well, please.
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:41 am
by Chapter Two_Archive
electrons wrote:How do you like your lentils?
I was vegetarian for almost 9 years until last August. Then I saw the light. It was made out of meat. And I ate it.
Medium well for this omnivore. Do it that way and you are allowed to eat it more often without getting wormy or sick!
It's quite universal, this 9-year rule. I was veggie for nine years, until I went to Germany, where there seemed to be sausage stalls on every corner. I had to admit to myself that if I didn't have one of these fine smelling sausages I'd regret it and have to come back at some point. I still go veggie for a month or so now and again to clean out the system.
The problem with turning back into a carnivore is that meat is scary to cook with. The chance of being poisoned or infested with disgusting maggots by an undercooked vegetable is not high. I have never cooked a steak. In fact, I have only ever eaten one steak in my life. I was scared of rare-cooked meat so I had it well done. However, I now live with a chef, who is horrified at my lack of experience in the steak department and has pledged to try me out on a medium-rare. I have also made him swear a blood-oath that I won't get intestinal maggots.
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:51 am
by Tom_Archive
Chapter Two wrote: The chance of being poisoned or infested with disgusting maggots by an undercooked vegetable is not high. I have never cooked a steak. In fact, I have only ever eaten one steak in my life. I was scared of rare-cooked meat so I had it well done. However, I now live with a chef, who is horrified at my lack of experience in the steak department and has pledged to try me out on a medium-rare. I have also made him swear a blood-oath that I won't get intestinal maggots.
It's really very low with meat too. A steak, so long as the surface is cooked, you're pretty safe. Not 100%, but good. Unless the animal was diseased (which should be caught at a number of steps before it came to market), rotten (you will know this instantly), or has been sitting at room temp. for more than 1/2 hour, there won't be anything on the inside of the steak that will make you sick.
You run into problems with ground beef. I always have my burgers cooked well done. There is much more surface area and with the, uh...blending process, its much much easier for something nasty to get in on the inside.
Poultry is easy. Cook it 'til it ain't pink no more.
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:59 am
by rachael_Archive ... mpower.htm
The fucking beef, she is so so good for you, the rare.
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:05 pm
by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
Medium well.
I don't mind if you like your steak rare, or really rare, or oh so very rare, or bloody bleeding mooing walking around shitting in a pasture rare. That's fine. What I don't like is (and I'm not talking to anyone in particular on this thread, just something I've noticed in general) the idea that liking your steak rare makes you a better person in any way, or that liking your steak cooked well is somehow an illegitimate choice. There is rare-steak-snobbery out there, and it's particularly annoying because unlike, say, wine snobbery or cigar snobbery, this snobbery requires no special knowledge or experience. All that is required to be a rare-steak-snob is a willingness to eat undercooked meat and brag about it. If you like your steak rare, that's fine. I don't. But if you are a rare-steak-snob, then cut it out. It's annoying.
how do you like your steak cooked?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:18 pm
by daniel robert chapman_Archive
My dad advised me years ago that when eating out, always go towards the well done end of things. His reasoning was that most chefs - at least, in the kinds of places we'd frequent - were teenagers on summer jobs who didn't know what they were doing and well done gave them the least opportunity to fuck it up. If I'm doing it myself or am eating somewhere reliable, I still lean up the medium/done way. There's conditioning for you.
The best steak I ever tasted was in an Italian restaurant in Berlin. No idea what they'd done to it but it was cut into pieces and piled up with pasta and sauces and it's sadly one of the few times when I've actually exclaimed, delighted, after the first mouthful.