steve wrote:But if I'm going out anyway, to the cross-burning or whatever, it's okay to stop and vote along the way, right? As long as it requires no extra effort, it's not a bad thing to do, right? Can we at least agree that voting in an attempt to keep an evil bastard out of power is not a bad thing to do, as long as it requires no extra driving?
its not a bad thing to do but its still a trivial thing to do. no extra effort, fine. i dont mind doing trivial things for no extra effort. why the heck not. but since i was not in such a situation (no extra effort) during the last election, i didnt vote. fair enough?
i should note that youre the one who brought up "effort"... i see it not as a matter of effort but as a matter of the harm that can be done to others. extra driving means lots of potential harm, at least in my view. so, to correct myself, no extra risk/harm/etc, fine, in such a situation i dont consider it wrong to vote. though i still consider the benefit to be trivial.
clocker bob wrote:
You might want to forward this post to Bill O'Reilly- he's fond of arguments like these. I can almost hear him making it in that Talking Points voice he uses- second thought, not really. I think I do hear Darrell Hammond doing it as part of his impression of O'Reilly on SNL...
hmmmm... ever think of actually addressing what i said? as opposed to saying something along the lines of "that sounds like o'reilly talk" and not even explaining why. i could say the same thing about what you just said and without explaining myself, my statement would hold equal weight.
people who dont agree with me on the car thing are evidently not quite aware of the volatility involved in driving (or they are aware but have simply trained themselves well in rationalizations). its very much an accepted thing to do often in the US, but the fact is that driving such a heavy thing at such a fast rate is extremely risky (to yourself and others). driving should be avoided whenever possible. "but everyone does it, so i guess its ok..." group-think of the highest order.
given the nature of driving, i stand by my opinion that driving to a voting booth induces a lot of volatility in the world, which far outweighs the balance that your little vote could possibly induce.