Jaco Pastorius: Crap or Not Crap?

Total votes: 7 (37%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 12 (63%)
Total votes: 19

Jaco Pastorius

242sumner wrote:Crap!
style and technique.
Steve Vai playing bass.

I agree. Usually, I don't like soloing music, and this guy is someone Flea from the Chili Peppers cited as an influence.

However, I did enjoy the one DVD I watched. It was better than watching a Weezer video.

Jaco Pastorius

eliya wrote:
He was the Jimi Hendrix of bass and only one or two records he played were crap.

I worshipped Jaco in the 80's-90's and wore out his eponymous debut, Bright Size Life and Night Passage(Weather Report). He was untouchable to me as a musician.

However, time went by. 15 years to be exact. I put on Joni Mitchells' Don Juan's Reckless Daughter- and when Jaco came in with his trademark bwwwaaaammmm, I realized that was less like the Hendrix of bass, and more like the Micheal McDonald of bass. Really unique, mind blowing in his virtuousity, but in posession of a trademark sound that when overused inevitably became a parody of itself. And then came the copycats...

He was so brilliant on Bright Size Life and his first solo record.
Not crap.

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