G'day? or G'night?

Best use of an SG in a rock band since AC/DC
Total votes: 10 (26%)
The dingos should eat their babies
Total votes: 28 (74%)
Total votes: 38


tipcat wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:
tipcat wrote:As boring as cock itself.

Maybe yours.

You're just a barrel of distilled clever, aren't you?

If he hadn't said it, I was going to.

All I've heard of this "Wolfmother" band is the theme song to that Dane Cook Tourgasm series on HBO. It doesn't leave me wanting more.


I liked them

I never bought their album or anything, but they had some goos riffs and whutnot

I wasn't exactly expecting originality, and as far as them not having been the best at well...when it comes to those who were, deciding which is just kinda splitting hairs isn't it?
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.


DrAwkward wrote:I finally heard them a few weeks ago and couldn't decide if the name "Black Zeppelin" or "Led Sabbath" was more appropriate.


Black Led/DC

Ty Webb wrote:What's wrong with big, dumb rock'n'roll? I say there's far too little of it and way too much grubby, dumb-pretending-to-be-smart rock'n'roll.

That's easy for you to say- you live in NYC, mecca for dumb-pretending-to-be-smart bands and music snobs. I would be jaded by all that over-analyzed music too if I lived down there.

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