All time shittest tasks that most will face in life

Lemuel Gulliver wrote:Too bad there's not a way we could start some sort of pool, where we trade these tasks off on other members. Sorta like, I'll do your cat box, if you call my mom.

Better yet, you can call my cat box if I can do your mom.

(Thanks, I'll be here all week. Please tip your bartenders)

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

All time shittest tasks that most will face in life

haircuts are the worse since I cut my own.
making a resume, which I should be doing now.
shopping for food, since I have to ride my bike and carry
bags in 1 hand while I steer with the other.
getting a new license, since mine has been expired for so
long, I have to retake the test.

and oh yeah,
telling a girl you are with, that she needs to freshen up better before I go down.
don't look here

All time shittest tasks that most will face in life

I agree with everyone that as already mentioned finding a job and moving. These are my two least favorite tasks to do.

Luckily, in my present situation, I shouldn't have to do either one for quite a while.

Cleaning, mowing the lawn, getting a haircut, talking to awkward creepy people. . . all this is weak bullshit compared to finding a job or moving.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets

All time shittest tasks that most will face in life

itchy mcgoo wrote:I could write poetry about the warm tingly feeling I get when someone is snipping at my mop. And you detest this?

I know what you speak of. I want to know what this is. I dont necessarily get it while getting my hair cut, but I get it other times when watching someone work on something with their hands. It's a sharp tingle sometimes that starts from the back of my head and goes down my body. Generally it's just a buzz I get from watching someone work on something. The last time was watching a women decorate a cake. It's a fairly rare occurance, I used to get it more when I was younger. Unless what you are talking about is specifically hair related and you are overjoyed with the fashion part of it. Then I feel like an ass
I share, therefore you are

All time shittest tasks that most will face in life

itchy mcgoo wrote:Stagnant periods in relationships.
Long flights.
Thankless bosses.

These, all of these, suck with the self-serving aplomb of a hundred porn-stars. Happily, all of these things fall neatly into one shitty, soul-killing category:

I file them all under DIVORCE.

Then I sign whatever check or contract is put in front of me and think about more important things. Like poker and ZZ Top.

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