Crap or Not Crap?

Total votes: 5 (7%)
Not Crap?
Total votes: 69 (93%)
Total votes: 74

HBO Drama: The Wire

Minotaur029 wrote:I've been watching Homicide: Life On The Street again. It's high time I picked up The Wire.

Until The Wire, Homicide remained, in my opinion, the benchmark of crime dramas, TV or otherwise. I was doubtful any other show would be able to change my view. But I kept hearing about The Wire, "best show on Television, period," etc. Since we don't get HBO in Canada I finally started watching the DVDs. Sure, the first few episodes are confusing and not completely compelling. By episode 4 the show had sank it's claws in and wouldn't let go. After that it was 2 episode per night until we were done with Season 2. I anxiously await Season 3 in the mail. The Wire is the new benchmark.

HBO Drama: The Wire

I once handed a houseguest a copy of Jesus' Son and suggested that she check it out before bed. The next morning, red-eyed, she told me that she'd stayed up all night and read the whole thing. "It's a book about addiction that one responds to addictively," she added.

I had a similar experience upon being introduced to The Wire. My friend Joel encouraged me to check it out, so I took season one home from the video store last time I was in Louisville. Upon arriving home on Sunday evening, I watched two episides and was suitably intrigued.

Monday night I figured I'd watch an episode or two in bed before going to sleep. What ensued was a crack-like television binge that lasted from midnight until almost noon the next day. Occasionally I'd fall asleep and, upon waking, rewind the DVD and start watching again. I was not in control of myself.

I've never had an experience like that involving a television program--not even Sanford and Son. Fortunately, season two was not available for rent or purchase anywhere in Hopkinsville, so I had to wait a couple of weeks until I returned to Louisville, where I purchased a used copy. I am now five episodes into it, and I think I like it even more. Paul K. told me season two is his favorite.

What a great fucking show.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

HBO Drama: The Wire

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Monday night I figured I'd watch an episode or two in bed before going to sleep. What ensued was a crack-like television binge that lasted from midnight until almost noon the next day. Occasionally I'd fall asleep and, upon waking, rewind the DVD and start watching again. I was not in control of myself.

I started watching this show a little over a month ago, thanks to recommendations from this board, and was also completely addicted. I cashed out season 3 in two days. Now I have finished the entire series and it really is, in my opinion, one of the best shows ever. They put a lot of care into characters and cast. I'm assuming this is because most are based off of people Burns/Simon dealt with in their earlier careers. In fact the actor who plays the deacon (who helps Cutty in seasons 3 and 4) was an actual Baltimore dealer Burns took down in the 80s.

The line between good and evil just doesn't exist in this show, and I find myself feeling a slightly miserable when even the biggest asshole is killed.

I've never had an experience like that involving a television program--not even Sanford and Son. Fortunately, season two was not available for rent or purchase anywhere in Hopkinsville, so I had to wait a couple of weeks until I returned to Louisville, where I purchased a used copy. I am now five episodes into it, and I think I like it even more. Paul K. told me season two is his favorite.

What a great fucking show.

I think season 4 is my favorite so far, but this could be because it's the last season I watched. Season 2 is absolutely great and tragic though... same with all of them, I guess. I couldn't even tell you who my favorite characters are... a few nominees include: Omar (for obvious reasons... he is a 1st place contender), Bunk, Freeman, Dookie because he is utterly depressing, Bubbles, and Clay Davis when he goes "sheeeee-it."

I cannot wait for Season 5 and think it is very sad that it will be the last. If you have not seen The Wire, and are open to a new TV addiction, this show is as worthwhile as they come.

HBO Drama: The Wire

j_harvey wrote:I couldn't agree more. I think The Wire is the best show on TV. It makes Law and Order look like a Nancy Drew mystery.

Even Homicide made Law & Order look like a Nancy Drew mystery.

I like Homicide: Life on the Street...a lot. I know I'd like The Wire a lot more, but I'm still getting through all of the Sopranos on DVD (I'll be starting Season 4 soon).

The Wire though...NOT CRAP!
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

HBO Drama: The Wire

Yes...the fact that it has some of the best characters on TV also has something to do with George Pelecanos' input (I started a fawning c/nc poll over Pelecanos some time ago.)

I try to tell some people about this show and they don't listen. I suppose that'll come later.

About as flawless as a show can get. Incredible storytelling.

NC. As Omar would say, "Indeed."
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

HBO Drama: The Wire

Fuck me, this is a good show. Just got through series 2. The portrayal of the decline of white working class culture was just beautiful, and the way it leads on to the third series is just fantastic. Just gotta save enough hard-earned to get series 3

Probably the best American drama that's been made. certainly the best I've seen.

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