by Colonel Panic_Archive
Kaze in Roscoe Village is excellent, but also very trendy and overpriced. The otoro was the best I've ever tasted. They brew their own soy sauce and make all kinds of special soups, sauces, and glazes which are amazingly delicious. But it's also just crawling with the yuppie scum who love to pretend they're connoissieurs of the cuisines of the world.
I met a Japanese friend of mine there for dinner once, and he hated it. Not because there was anything wrong with the food, mind you, but because he was offended by the slick and inauthentic ambiance. He said (I'm going to paraphrase here), "To any Japanese person, this is not what sushi is about. To me, sushi has a noble history and is made by people who've dedicated their lives to the art. In Japan, sushi restaurants are family-owned places with several generations of heritage. When I was a kid, my parents would take us kids out for sushi once, maybe twice a year. It was a very rare, expensive treat we'd all enjoy to celebrate some holiday or family occasion like my acceptance into college or my dad getting a promotion. This place isn't real. It's not really about the sushi, it's just about making money. The owner here is not even Japanese, he's Chinese, and you can tell just by the way this place looks. If a sushi place like this opened in Japan, nobody would want to eat there."
His remarks changed the way I look at sushi, but I still think Kaze has some damn good food.