White Castle food makes me:

Total votes: 27 (64%)
Not happy
Total votes: 15 (36%)
Total votes: 42

food selling establishment: White Castle

burun wrote:I finally found the cabinets I have dreamed of:

I would pay embarrassing amounts of money for those cabinets.

I triple-crowned it last Monday with a regular slider, a regular cheeseburger, and a jalapeno cheeseburger from the Blaisdell-Lake White Castle in Minneapolis. Note that this particular location falls in the "high risk / high reward" category of White Castle locations.

food selling establishment: White Castle

Whole HS B-Ball team used to go to white castle after summer league...

We'd each get a 20 craver saver
That's 20 white castles + 4 fry cubes apiece.

Not to mention us squirting probly hundreds of packets of ketchup in our mouths before throwing the white castle in. :twisted:

Even the PG, who was only 5'11 155. :shock:
Finished the whole sh!t.

Haven't eaten there in 3 years.
Will go tomorrow.

Crap. WF 7 when high

food selling establishment: White Castle

i went to white castle once when i was working as a furniture mover in chicago. we were moving some dick to indiana and the driver stopped in white castle to get some 'food'. i ate a couple of their burgers and shortly after arriving at this patricularly unpleasant man's brand spanking new house i had a paticularly unpleasant case of the trots. fuck white castle with their tiny little skits-inducin 'burgers'.

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