Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

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Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

andyman wrote:Documentaries (i'm not saying they're totally reliable) have been made exploring the topic with some claiming that qi is an actual energy with healing/strengthening properties that is secreted from somewhere in the abdomen.

I wouldn't disregard it based on a couple of videos...

It's hard or impossible to prove a negative, so you're correct that the videos do not disprove Qi; nor do they prove Qi.

So where is the evidence that Qi really exists?

Acupuncture is a good example of such, as (beyond the simple fact that it seems to work on people) it's been experimentally proven to have greater success that a placebo needle treatment.

Does anyone know where I can find evidence that acupuncture works better than a placebo? IIRC, you can get the same or similar effect by putting needles in the "wrong" or random locations. IOW, acupuncture can have a positive therapeutic effect, but not for the reasons given by acupuncturists.

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

newberry wrote:
andyman wrote:Documentaries (i'm not saying they're totally reliable) have been made exploring the topic with some claiming that qi is an actual energy with healing/strengthening properties that is secreted from somewhere in the abdomen.

I wouldn't disregard it based on a couple of videos...

It's hard or impossible to prove a negative, so you're correct that the videos do not disprove Qi; nor do they prove Qi.

But where is the evidence that Qi really exists?

I wouldn't imagine there is. As far as I can see, exploring the cases (e.g. healing properties) and facts and drawing conclusions based on these - while keeping an open mind - is the best you can do. I just really dislike the idea of eliminating something from your viewpoint based on a small range of examples.

I guess i'm reiterating your point.

the same or similar effect by putting needles in the "wrong" or random locations

I would've imagined this is the placebo needle treatment that was mentioned in the quote?
Last edited by andyman_Archive on Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Andy

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

I just really dislike the idea of eliminating something from your viewpoint based on a small range of examples.

I don't "eliminate it from my viewpoint," (actually, I'm not sure what that means). I have an open mind, and will gladly look at evidence that Qi or Feng Shui really works. Until I see credible evidence, I'll assume that it doesn't, as it seems much more likely that there are other, natural things going on.

If I hear strange sounds in my house late at night, I'm going to assume that they're from the wind, or someone playing a joke on me, or a burglar, or my cat, etc. I'm going to assume the sounds aren't being made by ghosts. I know that cats and burglars and weather exist. So far, I've seen no evidence that ghosts exist. So do I "eliminate ghosts from my viewpoint"? I guess so, until I see evidence.

How about next time you have an ailment, you go see a Chinese medical practitioner? One that's registered with a proper body of practitioners, as there's lots of quacks.

Could you suggest a proper body of practitioners?

I'd prefer to see double blind, controlled studies that show Chinese Medicine is safe and efficacious. But I wouldn't rule it out. What is one ailment that Chinese medicine can definitely, consistently treat successfully?

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

newberry wrote:I have not stated that Chi isn't real, or that Chinese medicine doesn't work, by the way.
sorry if I sounded like a smart ass. I did not intend to offend you. I took psyche as an example for a subject that is also based upon supposition.

there's no clinical proof for chi. I do not deny that fact.

I had big troubles with my back for a long time, and shiatsu and qigong helped me to get better. that's my experience . nothing to argue about. I practice qigong for some years and tai chi for one year. I think the energy flows. that's it. I won't try to persuade anybody of it.

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

bassdriver wrote:
newberry wrote:I have not stated that Chi isn't real, or that Chinese medicine doesn't work, by the way.
sorry if I sounded like a smart ass. I did not intend to offend you. I took psyche as an example for a subject that is also based upon supposition.

there's no clinical proof for chi. I do not deny that fact.

I had big troubles with my back for a long time, and shiatsu and qigong helped me to get better. that's my experience . nothing to argue about. I practice qigong for some years and tai chi for one year. I think the energy flows. that's it. I won't try to persuade anybody of it.

Thanks for the apology, but I wasn't offended.

If you believe in Qi energy, and aren't interested in persuading others about it, I respect that. Personally, I'm very curious about stuff like this, and interested in trying to distinguish between what really works and what doesn't. And I hate to see people wasting money on a bogus treatment, or not getting real help when they need it.

Maybe Shiatsu and/or Qigong were effective in treating your back trouble, I can only speculate. Or maybe you would have reached the same state of relief after a simple, thereapeutic massage. Or maybe the back trouble went away on its own (I get back pain that comes and goes whether I do something about it or not). Or maybe it was the placebo effect. Or maybe something else--going for a walk or swim. That's where controlled studies come in--you try to rule out the other stuff and determine whether the treatment in question is really working or not.

Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever

etch wrote:The Amazing Randi has covered this before; no one has stepped up for the million bucks I might add.

I've had experience with martial arts and I like it as exercise, but did not buy into the 'spiritual' implications like Chi.

Check out Bullshido:

It's a pro martial arts but anti-mysticism (related to the martial arts) forum

Thanks for the posting the link; looks like a great site (though the graphic design is kinda hard on the eyes).

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