If I drink during practice, then generally a beer or two.
Nobody in my band ever got actually drunk during practice, but my bandmates smoke weed, which tends to irritate me because it occasionally turns them into childish, arguing twits.
Do you drink at band practice???
32the only time we're on beer (insted of vodka) is when we're decided to finish a song or two. all the other but the usual drinking policy is that we don't get drunk before we come up with something interesting. so it's not like... ok, we drink a lot. but the drinking is not the enemy of making music. smoking weed is.
Do you drink at band practice???
33floog wrote:If you really do live on Jersey, I'm not surprised you go to these lengths to lose yourselves.
My band all travel too far to the practice sessions to be able to drink. Actually, two of them don't drink anyway. I stick to the water.
Why, should people from Jersey be entitled to drink more?
I sometimes get ridiculously drunk on practice nights, but there's never any driving involved. I take the subway.
Do you drink at band practice???
34tommydski wrote:Sorry to divert a bit but I was talking about this yesterday elsewhere.
I have a long-standing theory that the main difference between America and Britain is the choice of social lubricant. In Britain, from a very young age it is beer, which is a depressant. In the US it is more likely young folk will congregate around coffee shops, which is obviously a stimulant. This could explain a lot I think. Plus many kids really aren't particularly bothered by the time they are legally allowed to drink in bars at 21.
My friend in Toronto remarked that she went to a bar that had a weekly 'Dollar Beer' night. That would be a drink for £0.43. I mentioned this to a friend who lives in W.Virginia and she said the bar nearest to her offered a ¢50 pitcher. That is £0.25.
North Americans, explain to me about your alcohol. At these prices I would be more of a drunk than I already am (well, was).
well there is alot of underage drinking in the US, it just isn't done in bars that much, so I think you might be off... most underage drinking in the US is done at house partys... when I was under 21 you could go down to the gas station and buy a 12 pack, no one really cared and everyone did it... those days are gone in the US...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.
Do you drink at band practice???
35Angus Jung wrote:The situation was so dire that an ad campaign was created to urge kids to get hooked.
Nice! A New Trivia Question! What do Kurt Vonnegut, Ann Wilson, and Cicely Tyson have in common?
That advertisement was even more absurd than I remember.
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt
--Mike Watt
Do you drink at band practice???
36OK how about weed?
Does it fuck up anyone else's playing? Cuz unless we just jamming it's not so good for rehearsing.
Does it fuck up anyone else's playing? Cuz unless we just jamming it's not so good for rehearsing.
Do you drink at band practice???
37My last band was called "Smells Like Drunk" if that gives you any indication...
Do you drink at band practice???
38Neither of my bands drink alcohol or do any drugs while at practice. I just never got in that habit, and it seems liek neither did my bandmates.
I'll have a scotch or two when I'm writng songs at home, though.
I'll have a scotch or two when I'm writng songs at home, though.
Do you drink at band practice???
39zom-zom wrote:Maybe there were no fancy-ass coffee shoppes, but there was coffee and it was consumed in large quantities by "young people".
Yeah, dude. The coffee industry banded together in the mid-80s and spent huge $$$ on hiring superstars to hawk coffee- not any particular brand of coffee, just coffee- even though "young people" (you, your punk rock friends, me, my punk rock friends, and Henry Rollins) were consuming so much of it.
Do you drink at band practice???
40Angus Jung wrote:The situation was so dire that an ad campaign was created to urge kids to get hooked.
And GODDAMN THEM for sullying a completely awesome ELO song.
To this day, whenever I hear that song, I see the guy on the parallel bars from one of the other ones.
And WTF? Bowie? Vonnegut? Cecily Tyson slappin' a man? You can bet your ass this is from the 80's.